Cordovan Salmorejo Recipe

Cordovan salmorejo is one of the most popular starters in Spain during the summer season. It is a cream or cold soup originally from Andalusia, although currently, as we say, it is present throughout the country. The recipe for Cordoban salmorejo is very simple, fast, economical and nutritious. It is very similar to gazpacho, but with fewer ingredients. One thing they do agree on is that they both use bread from the day before, so we can take advantage of it and thus avoid wasting food. Generally, salmorejo is accompanied by boiled egg and Serrano ham cut into strips or small cubes, ingredients that provide that extra flavor and texture that characterizes this dish so much.

Ingredients to make Cordovan Salmorejo:

  • 1 kilogram of ripe tomatoes
  • 150 grams of bread from the day before
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 grams of ham cubes
  • 80 milliliters of olive oil

How to make Cordovan Salmorejo:

  1. Before starting to prepare the Andalusia salmorejo recipe, cook the eggs. To do this, heat a saucepan with plenty of water over high heat, add 3-4 eggs and, when it starts to boil, count 10 minutes for them to cook well. After the time, remove the saucepan from the heat, remove the hot water and stop cooking the eggs, leaving them in cold water. Reserve them.
  2. Wash the tomatoes and cut them into quarters or small pieces. Then, put them in a mixing glass, robot or hand blender, add the peeled garlic clove, the chopped bread from the day before and a little salt.
  3. Blend the above ingredients well. When they are well crushed, check the degree of thickness. If the cream is too thick, you can add a little water.
  4. Pour a good splash of olive oil and beat again. If you are preparing the Cordovan salmorejo with a whisk or hand mixer, we recommend adding the oil little by little, as if you were making a homemade mayonnaise, so that it emulsifies and leaves a creamier salmorejo that is well mixed with the tomatoes. Once this is done, taste the salt and rectify if necessary. Once ready, you can strain it to make it finer, although lol if you’ve crushed enough, it shouldn’t be necessary.
  5. Tip: you can add water or more bread, depending on whether you want it to be thicker or thinner.
  6. Put the salmorejo from Córdoba in a jar and keep it in the fridge until it is time to serve it so that it is very fresh. While it cools, take the opportunity to prepare the accompaniment. So peso, peel the hard-boiled eggs and cut them into small pieces or quarters. Cut the ham into small pieces and reserve them with the egg pieces, preferably separated so that they can be distributed later on the plates.
  7. At the time of serving it, put the salmorejo in individual deep plates or in bowls and distribute the pieces of ham and egg. Ready! The recipe for homemade Cordovan salmorejo is that easy. As you can see, it is a delicious cold starter that does not require cooking and that preserves almost all the nutrients of its ingredients.

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