Cordovan empanadas recipe

FoodsDiary By FoodsDiary

In this recipe that we present to you for Cordoban empanadas, we will teach you how to make the dough and the typical meat filling for these delicious empanadas. Gather all the ingredients and start cooking.

Ingredients to make Empanadas from Cordoba:


• 500 grams of flour

• 150 grams of beef fat

• 1 teaspoon of fine salt

• Water (the necessary)


• ½ kilogram of beef meat

• ½ teaspoon Cumin

• 1 potato unit

• 3 tablespoons of beef fat

• ½ tablespoon of flour

• ¼ cup beef broth

• 2 units of boiled egg

• 200 grams of beef fat

• 3 units of Onion

• 1 unit of Tomato

• ½ tablespoon sweet paprika

• 100 grams of chopped green olives

• 80 grams of Raisins

How to make Cordovan empanadas:

Heat the fat and brown the onions together with the tomato. Then add the paprika and remove from heat. Remember to chop all the vegetables finely and dice the potato.

Add the meat previously parboiled and cut into cubes, also add the flour mixed with the meat broth. Sancochar means to boil and the broth can be obtained from cooking the meat itself, if you wish.

Return to moderate heat and let cook stirring until it breaks a boil. Then remove from heat and add the olives along with the raisins. Let cool and mix with the cooked potatoes. Reserve the filling. To make the dough for the Cordovan empanadas, place the flour on the table and make a hole in the center. Place ½ cup of water in the hole and dissolve the fat right there, which should be very soft like ointment. Also add the salt and start mixing with the flour adding more water if necessary.

Knead until you get a smooth and homogeneous dough. Cut pieces of dough and form balls as even as possible. Leave at rest, covered with plastic to preserve moisture, for a few minutes.

When you go to make the empanadas, stretch the pieces of dough individually on the floured table, try to leave them very thin.

Place a spoon of meat filling in the center and moisten the edges of the disc of dough, with oil or water, to close them well and make the characteristic double of this type of empanadas.

Cook the Cordovan empanadas in the oven at medium temperature, on a previously greased plate or tray until they look golden.

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