Cookie Pie Dough Recipe

To prepare the biscuit pie dough you will only need 2 ingredients: biscuits and butter. Likewise, its preparation is very easy and fast, since in 20 minutes you will have it prepared and baked. The result will be a cookie base for sweet and crunchy tarts that you will want to combine with any of your favorite fillings. Do not miss this exquisite recipe!

In this article we teach you how to make cake dough with cookies. We are sure that it will serve as a wild card on many occasions!

Ingredients to make Cookie Pie Dough:

  • 150 grams of sweet cookies
  • 60 grams of butter

How to make Cookie Pie Dough:

  1. To get started with the cookie pie crust recipe, first place the cookies in a multiprocessor or blender.
  2. Tip: in our opinion, the best cookies for a pie base are dry cookies, without filling. Instead, you’ll need to remove it before shredding.
  3. As for the flavor, it can be the one you prefer (chocolate, coconut, vanilla, lemon, honey, etc.
  4. Crush the cookies until they form a sandblasting.
  5. Tip: if you don’t have a multiprocessor or blender, you can do this step manually, placing the cookies inside a bag and passing over them with a rolling pin repeatedly until the cookies are ground to the maximum.
  6. Melt the butter in the microwave or in a water bath until almost melted.
  7. Also, if you are wondering why butter can be substituted in a cookie base, you can substitute oil, although it will slightly change the flavor and texture.
  8. In our case, we have made it with butter.
  9. Hack: this cookie base for cake with oven is perfect.
  10. Add the butter to the processed cookies.
  11. Tip: together with the butter, you can add more flavor to your dough. For example, you can make it with lemon zest, orange zest, or cinnamon.
  12. Work the preparation with a spatula or by hand until it forms a homogeneous paste.
  13. Line the tart mold with the dough. For the dough to adhere well, press well, both on the base and on the edges.
  14. You can help yourself with the back of a spoon, with the tips of your fingers or with your fist.
  15. It is important that the dough is as evenly thick as possible and with a compact consistency.
  16. Tip: in this case, we have used a detachable cake tin measuring 15 cm in diameter x 5 cm high.
  17. At this point, you have 2 alternatives: one is to leave it like this and take it to the fridge for 2 hours so that the butter hardens again and the dough takes consistency.
  18. On the other hand, you can bake it between 8 and 10 minutes, in a preheated oven at 180 °C. The difference when you bake it is that the dough is firmer and crispier.
  19. Once cooked, let it cool to room temperature and then keep it in the fridge until it’s time to fill it.
  20. You just need to choose your favorite filling to enjoy this crunchy cookie cake.


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