Cooked prawns recipe

Ingredients to make cooked Prawns:

  • 8 fresh or frozen prawns
  • 1 tablespoon of salt
  • cubed ice
  • 1 liter of cold water
  • 1 bay leaf (optional)

How to make cooked Prawns:

  1. Bring a saucepan with water and a bay leaf to a boil.
  2. Once it starts to boil, let the water boil for two minutes, add the prawns, cover the pot and turn off the heat. Let them cook like this for three minutes.
  3. If you are using frozen prawns, it is best to allow them to thaw before cooking.
  4. Then, remove them from the water to cut the cooking and prevent them from going overboard. Reserve them.
  5. Tip: If the amount of prawns is greater, you must cook them in batches so that they are cooked evenly.
  6. On the other hand, prepare a bowl with water and ice, add a heaping tablespoon of saltand stir until it is completely diluted.
  7. This is how salty cooked prawns are made, because if you add salt to the water, the prawn doesn’t have time to absorb it.
  8. Place the prawns in the water with ice and salt and leave them to soak for 10 minutes.
  9. You will see that the cooked prawns acquire a very pleasant pink hue. Afterwards, you will only have to strain them again and dry them with kitchen paper.
  10. And until here the elaboration! You can serve the cooked salty prawnswith a glass of cava or a glass of beer and be surprised at how good they are. T

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