Cooked prawn ceviche recipe

Our friend Leidy-Tatiana shares on this occasion this super tasty and simple recipe for cooked prawn ceviche that you can prepare in less than half an hour whenever you want.

If you like this type of seafood and ceviche recipes, you cannot miss this step by step. You can even add some kind of fruit and make a shrimp and avocado or mango ceviche that is also very tasty.

Ingredients to make Ceviche of cooked prawns:

  • 1½ pounds of prawns
  • 3 big onions
  • 1 splash of mayonnaise and tomato sauce or (Pink Sauce)
  • 2 lemons
  • 1 bunch of coriander
  • 1 package of crackers or crackers
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of Pepper

How to make Cooked Prawn Ceviche:

We begin to prepare this cooked prawn ceviche by cleaning and removing all the impurities from the shellfish very well, removing its shell and the upper vein. Then finely chop the onions and if you want, leave them with a little boiled water to remove some of the acidity. Boil plenty of water, and meanwhile you can chop the cilantro.

After the water has boiled, add the prawns until their color turns orange, then turn off the pot and remove them, putting them in a separate container. You also strain the onion. Add the onion and cilantro to the container with the prawns, squeeze the two lemons, add a pinch of salt and pepper and mix them. Let the prawn ceviche rest for 8 minutes and meanwhile, you can mix the mayonnaise and tomato sauce to make the pink sauce? You add the mixture of sauces or the pink sauce to the prawns, mix very well and rectify the flavors. And your cooked prawn ceviche is ready! It can be accompanied with soda crackers or salty oil crackers, for example.

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