Cooked meat croquettes recipe

Ingredients to make cooked meat croquettes:

For 4 people

• 2 hardboiled eggs

• 150g of meat that we have left over from the stew

• 30g of onion

• 50 ml of oil

• 100g of margarine

• 170g Of flour

• 800 ml of milk

• Nutmeg

• Pepper

• Salt

How to make cooked meat croquettes:

Chop the meat by programming 6 seconds at speed 3 1/2. Remove from glass and reserve. Pour the oil, margarine and onion into the mixing bowl and program 3 minutes, 100º, speed 5. Add the flour and program 2 minutes, 90º, speed 4.

Add the milk, nutmeg, pepper and salt. Mix everything for 10 seconds at speed 8 so that everything is homogeneous and then program 7 minutes, 90º, speed 2 1/2. Add the reserved meat through the mouth of the lid. When the machine stops, let it rest for a few seconds without removing the glass. Add the chopped boiled eggs. Mix well with the spatula. Pour the béchamel in a bowl and let cool.

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