Cooked meat cannelloni recipe

Ingredients to make cooked meat cannelloni:

  • 10 Lasagna sheets (pasta)
  • 300 grams of cooked meat
  • 300 milliliters of béchamel sauce
  • 1 dessert spoon of dried thyme
  • 300 grams of Parmesan cheese
  • salted
  • Pepper

How to make cooked meat cannelloni:

  1. To start making our cooked meat cannelloni, the first step is to prepare all the ingredients.
  2. Next, cut thecooked meat into small squares or finely chop it, as you prefer.
  3. This will be the filling for our homemade cannelloni so save it for later.
  4. Next, bring a pot of water over high heat, and once it is boiling, add the lasagna sheetsand let them cook for a maximum of 10-15 minutes, until the sheets for rolling up the cooked meat cannelloni are at the point of desired cooking.
  5. Then remove them from the heat with a slotted spoon and put them in a bowl with cold water and, if possible, ice to cut the cooking, and reserve them for later.
  6. Now form the escudella or meat cannelloni: fill the lasagna sheets one by one, adding a little cooked meat and carefully wrapping each of the homemade cannelloni
  7. Then place the cooked meat cannelloni in individual refractoriesadding two cannelloni for each diner.
  8. And then bathe each meat cannelloniwith the béchamel sauce, adding a pinch of dried thyme and sprinkling 1 or 2 tablespoons of Parmesan cheese on top.
  9. You can buy the béchamel cast or you can make it yourself, as you want. Finally, gratin each homemade cannelloni dish in the oven at 250ºC
  10. You can now serve each of the refractories with the homemade cooked meat cannellonithat you have just prepared!

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