Conger eel with potatoes

During the winter, nothing is more desirable than eating hot dishes that help us regulate the temperature and regain strength. For this reason, we have prepared this delicious conger eel stew with potatoes, very healthy, nutritious and easy to make. In addition, it is a healthy recipe, since we will hardly use fat during its preparation.

The broth of this traditional recipe is truly magnificent. It is full of flavor and allows us to enjoy a spectacular stew with little effort. Discover how to make conger eel with potatoes and let you be surprised by its flavor.

Ingredients to make Congrio with potatoes:

  • 10 pieces of conger eel medium size
  • 3 potatoes
  • 4 pinches of salt and pepper
  • 1 tablespoon sweet paprika
  • 1 dessert spoon of chopped ñora
  • 3 garlic cloves
  • 1 bunch of parsley
  • 1 small glass of white wine
  • 500 milliliters of water to prepare a fumet
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 1 piece of spring onion
  • 1 small glass of extra virgin olive oil

How to make Conger with potatoes:

  1. Clean the conger eel by removing the guts, wash it well, remove the heads and tails, approximately four fingers in length from where it tapers off. Of course, save the tail and heads for later, since you will need them.
  2. Cut the rest of the conger eel into 3 or 4 pieces, place it in a colander in the sink, season with salt and pepper right there and let it drain while you prepare the following steps.
  3. Place the tails and heads of the conger eel in a saucepan with water, bay leaf, a point of salt and bring it to a boil for 45 minutes. This broth called fish fumet is going to be very important in the preparation process, since it will be what gives the conger eel with potatoes recipe the most flavor.
  4. Prepare a sauce with the chives, the chopped parsley and the laminated garlic. To do this, heat the olive oil in a saucepan and add these ingredients. After 3 minutes of cooking the sauce and, therefore, the spring onion is transparent, add the conger eel pieces and stir very carefully.
  5. Let the preparation cook for 3 more minutes and, immediately afterwards, add the ñora and paprika. Move the casserole so that each of the added components are mixed and pour in the white wine, allowing the alcohol to evaporate for approximately 2 more minutes.
  6. Meanwhile, peel and peel the potatoes, this way they will release their natural starch when cutting them and thicken the broth a bit. Introduce them and pour the strained fish broth directly over the casserole; discard the remains of fish that you used to make the fumet.
  7. Salt test and give it the right point. Then, cover the pot and let everything cook for 15 minutes over medium heat, just long enough for the potato to be tender. After this time, check that the potato is ready and, if it is not, leave the stew a little longer. All that remains is to serve the conger eel recipe with potatoes, sprinkling chopped parsley on top. Without a doubt, you will love the flavor of this dish and the texture of the whole.
  8. Tip: If you want to thicken the broth more, take out a potato, mash it with a little bit of the broth and return it to the pot, stirring well.

Conger eel with potatoes – Accompaniments

The conger eel is an eel-like fish, with an elongated body, which comes from the Baltic Seas, the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. It is often used a lot for the preparation of broths, although it is worth saying that it can be prepared exquisitely by frying or grilling it, accompanied by some poor style potatoes or baked vegetables.

The conger eel dish with potatoes that we have learned to prepare is a true delight of traditional cuisine, with lots of flavor, little fat and lots of nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals.

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