Colombian Stuffed Potatoes Recipe

Stuffed potatoes is one of the most popular dishes in Colombia , so much so that there is not just one version of the recipe, but many versions that differ from region to region and from family to family. For example, in some places they mix the ground beef stew with rice, in another they don’t use rice but a boiled egg, or half.

The important thing is that it is more of a ball of mashed potatoes filled with a stew of ground beef, or chicken, wrapped in a mixture of wheat flour and fried in oil. Lately, it has become popular to make baked stuffed potatoes to make the recipe healthier, something that you can also do with this preparation. In any case, it is a delicious dish, easy to make and with a lot of flavor. You dare? Keep reading and discover how to make Colombian stuffed potatoes.

Ingredients to make Colombian Stuffed Potatoes:

  • 4 large potatoes
  • 250 grams of ground beef
  • 1 onion
  • ½ paprika
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 4 stalks of chives
  • 100 grams of wheat flour
  • ½ dessert spoon of pepper
  • ½ dessert spoon of cumin
  • 2 dessert spoons of turmeric
  • 4 cloves of garlic
  • Salt to taste
  • Enough oil to fry

How to make Colombian Stuffed Potatoes:

To start with the recipe for Colombian stuffed potatoes, bring the potatoes to a boil in lightly salted water. It is important that they are soft but not overcooked.

Cook the eggs for ten minutes from when they break the boil. Now, season the ground beef with two crushed garlic cloves, part of the pepper, and the cumin.

Chop the onion, paprika, tomatoes and chives into small squares. In a cauldron, fry the meat for a few minutes. Add the chopped vegetables and stir.

Add part of the turmeric to color the stew; also salt and half a glass of water. Let boil about 20 minutes to cook the meat. At the end, the meat should be well brothed.

When the potatoes are ready, remove them from the water immediately, drain them well and mash them.

When the meat is cooked and the flavors are integrated for about 20 minutes, turn it off, let it cool and remove all the broth. You should get at least a cup of broth. Reserve the meat. Add the flour to the broth along with the rest of the spices: pepper, cumin and turmeric.

Finally, add the remaining turmeric and mix well until you get a paste that is still liquid, but thick enough to cover the stuffed potatoes. On top of a plastic, place a portion of puree and on top of it, the meat.

Cut the eggs in half and put them in the meat. You can also leave the eggs whole, but remember: the larger the Colombian stuffed potatoes, the more difficult it can be to handle when frying if you are inexperienced. Cover the entire filling with another portion of puree.

With the help of the same plastic, form a ball and completely seal all sides. Give it a rounded and uniform shape. Coat the stuffed potato in the mixture of broth and flour.

Take them to fry in plenty of very hot oil until golden brown on all sides. Drain them well on blotting paper.

These delicious potatoes stuffed with ground meat are usually accompanied with a sauce called Colombian ají, which consists of a mixture of tomatoes, onion, cilantro and chili. Serve and enjoy!

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