Colombian Heated Recipe

Ingredients to make Colombian Heat:

  • Recipe for 5 people:
  • 200 grams of cooked red beans.
  • 350 grams of cooked white rice.
  • 5 egg units.
  • 3 units of ripe red tomatoes.
  • 2 segments of long onion or green onion.
  • 150 grams of cooked shredded meat.

How to make Colombian Heat:

1 To start making our Colombian heated recipe, the first step is to pre-list all the ingredients. First of all I want to explain what heating is as such, it is a mixture of several recipes that are left in the fridge in this case I had some beans, shredded meat and rice for which I made this delicious heating, it is ideal for a Sunday or for a hangover and it is a really delicious preparation. This is the typical Colombian heated.

2 Wash our vegetables. Cut the tomato into small squares and the onion very fine. Take it to a frying pan with a little oil and fry adding garlic paste, salt and pepper to taste.

3 Once our onion and tomato sauce is ready, add the white rice and stir very well until integrating our Colombian heated recipe.

4 Add the shredded meat and the beans, stirring well until all the ingredients of our recipe are integrated. Lower the heat.

5 Sauté the eggs one by one to be able to plate our Colombian heated one, usually the heated ones must always be accompanied by eggs.

6 To plate with the help of a cup or well, add our recipe for Colombian heating and flatten a little with the help of a spoon. Once the well is filled with our recipe, place the plate on top of the well and turn it over carefully so that our well-presented recipe

7 Serve our heated Colombian in the way that is observed in the photo, giving it the shape with the well is only for presentation but if you want to serve it in another way it is totally valid, I wanted to add the egg on top for decoration.

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