Colombian Frijoles Rancheros Recipe

In Colombia there are many ways to prepare red ball beans. With this recipe we are going to make a kind of ranchero beans accompanied by pork, chorizo ​​and green plantain, a very popular preparation throughout the country.

With this dish of ranchero green beans we will not only be able to surprise all our guests with a complete recipe full of flavor, but we will also help them go back in time and remember those days when, as children, we impatiently waited for our parents to offered us this traditional dish. Stay and discover how to make Colombian ranchero beans step by step.

Ingredients to make Colombian Ranch Beans:

  • 300 grams of red ball beans
  • 500 grams of ground pork
  • 10 units of Chorizo
  • 4 units of Tomatoes
  • 150 grams of long onion
  • 1 unit of green banana
  • 1 pinch of Garlic
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Colombian Ranch Beans:

1 The first step to make this typical Colombian recipe will be to pre-list the ingredients. Keep in mind that the beans must be hydrated in water 24 hours before preparation.

2 Process the tomato and onion and pour the result into a pressure cooker to speed up the cooking of the beans. Add a little sunflower oil, salt and pepper with the intention of enhancing the flavor of the ranchero green beans.

3 Sauté the onion and tomato, add the sliced ​​chorizo ​​with a little garlic paste. If you prefer, you can also add chicken to the Colombian ranchero beans recipe, although the traditional preparation does not use this ingredient.

4 Remove the water where you hydrated the beans and add them to the pressure cooker. Cover with enough water and add a little thyme and bay leaf to flavor the ranch beans. Cook for about 30-40 minutes, or until the beans are soft.

5 Take a pan over medium heat with a little oil, add the ground pork with a little salt, pepper and garlic to taste.

6 Add the fried meat to the pot with the Colombian ranchero beans and mix very well until the ingredients are integrated.

7 Cut the banana into slices and pour a little oil and salt over them. Take them to the oven until they are golden; if you want you can also fry them in abundant oil.

8 Serve the Colombian ranchero beans garnished with the crispy plantain slices on top.

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