Colombian Custard Recipe

The Colombian custard is characterized by being consumed on special dates such as in the company of the whole family on Christmas Eve. This dessert has a creamy consistency and is easy to handle. The main difference with the Spanish custard is the egg, to be more exact, it differs thanks to the yolk, whose function is to achieve an emulsion.

In 1933, corn starch began to be marketed, which replaced this flour in the recipe, since using cornstarch would simplify it. We emphasize that the first Colombian custard recipe was made with this cornmeal that we have discussed. The custard arrived from Spain to Colombia, first it arrived in Antioquia where it later landed in other regions of Colombia due to the colonization of Antioquia. This dessert can be served with an elderberry jam or with ground cinnamon. Are you wondering how to make a custard? Well, in this article we want to teach you how to make the traditional recipe so that you can enjoy a Colombian custard.

Ingredients to make Colombian Custard:

  • 1 liter of whole cow’s milk
  • 100 grams of brown sugar
  • 100 grams of white sugar
  • 125 grams of corn starch (1 cup)
  • 17 grams of unsalted butter
  • 70 grams of grated coconut
  • 3 cinnamon sticks
  • 2 grams of ground cinnamon

How to make Colombian Custard:

  1. Reserve a cup of milk and place the rest in a pot over medium heat with the cinnamon sticks.
  2. Tip: to prevent the milk from sticking, wet the pot with water and then add the milk.
  3. Dissolve the cornstarch well with the cup of milk that had been reserved, for this step you must use a spoon to mix all the ingredients well.
  4. Add the white sugar and butter to the pot, all the ingredients should dissolve.
  5. Remove the cinnamon sticks using a slotted spoon. Also add the grated coconut.
  6. Add, without stopping to move, the starch previously dissolved in milk.
  7. Trick: do not stop moving and pour the cornstarch in the form of a thread to avoid lumps.
  8. After mixing the ingredients well, the cream will have a sticky consistency. The custard will be ready when, passing the spoon, you can see the bottom of the pot.
  9. Pour the custard into a glass container or personal containers. It is important to do this step quickly as the custard will begin to solidify.
  10. Let cool for 30 minutes, when it can be easily detached from the mold, place the custard on a plate. Sprinkle cinnamon powder to taste.
  11. Remember that you can accompany the custard with jam. And to enjoy!


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