Cold Tomato Soup Recipe

Cold tomato soup is a dish very similar to gazpacho and salmorejo, although it has some modifications in its list of ingredients and texture. For example, the original gazapacho usually includes wine vinegar, the salmorejo egg, ham and bread, and this soup requires other ingredients that do not include these. Of course, we can always make changes and adapt the recipe to our liking, since cooking is an art that lends itself to experimentation, testing and variation.

This cold soup is full of benefits and contains a very high nutritional value, since when made with raw vegetables, they do not lose any of their properties, which are usually reduced by heat. The pepper has large amounts of vitamin C, which completely disappear when cooked, so through this tomato soup we can ingest them completely. Likewise, the onion maintains its antioxidants, the tomato also maintains its contribution of vitamin C (if we do not scald it to peel it) and the garlic does not lose illicit, which is an enzyme that favors the immune system

Ingredients to make Cold Tomato Soup:

  • 800 grams of tomatoes
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 green bell pepper
  • 1 onion
  • 5 milliliters of apple cider vinegar
  • 10 milliliters of Modena vinegar
  • 100 milliliters of olive oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make Cold Tomato Soup:

  1. Peel the tomatoes, chop them and grind them. A very good trick to peel tomatoes easily is to scald them, that is, put them in very hot water for a few minutes, having made some vertical cuts beforehand. Of course, remember that when you apply heat, vitamin C is lost, although it still has the rest of the nutrients, such as potassium and vitamin A. Likewise, with heat the tomato releases lycopene, which is one of its greatest antioxidants.
  2. Peel the cucumbers, chop them and add them to the blender glass. We do the same with the onion, the green pepper and the clove of garlic to continue with the recipe for the cold tomato soup. It should be noted that the ingredients can be modified, so that we can add red pepper, for example, or remove the cucumber if we do not like the intense flavor it leaves behind.
  3. Add the apple cider vinegar, the balsamic vinegar, the oil, the salt and the pepper to taste. As we said in the previous step, the seasonings of the cold tomato soup are also to taste, so we can remove the vinegars, add oregano, basil, etc.
  4. Blend everything well until we have a homogeneous mixture without lumps. To do this, we can pass the cold soup through the strainer. And if we want a more liquid soup, we can always add a little water. Likewise, at this point it is important to taste the result to assess whether it is necessary to add salt or any spice.
  5. And ready! We just need to decide how to complement the dish, since we can serve it with a chopped boiled egg, with croutons, chopped chives or coriander… This recipe for cold tomato soup is a real delight, as well as being ideal for refreshing ourselves during the months of heat, nutritious for all the foods it includes and very quick to make. In short, a perfect dish.

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