Cold Pasta Salad Recipe with Thermo mix

Pasta salads are quick and easy dishes to prepare that can help us solve a weekend meal.  In addition, as in this case we will make a light salad, you can use it to complete your diet menu without problems and even, being a cold salad, you can also make it for a day at the beach or picnic.

Go ahead and stay because we teach you how to make pasta with Thermo mix so that you can use it to prepare a delicious pasta salad with tuna. This cold pasta salad with Thermo mix is ​​delicious and you can’t miss it.

Ingredients to make cold pasta salad with Thermo mix:

  • Additional features
  • 4 cherry tomatoes
  • ½ can of sweet corn
  • 1 can of prickly pear in olive oil
  • 1 boiled egg
  • 1 handful of pitted olives
  • 1 handful of fresh basil
  • 1 pinch of dried oregano
  • Pasta in Thermo mix
  • 8 liters of water
  • 1 dessert spoon of salt
  • 200 grams of Pasta

How to make cold pasta salad with Thermo mix:

We will start with the only preparation that we will make with our Thermo mix, the pasta. To do this, place all the water together with the salt in the glass and bring to the boil, programming for 10 minutes with a temperature of 100º and speed 1. Add the pasta and program the cooking time recommended by the manufacturer. In any case, about 14 minutes should be enough, keeping the temperature at 100º but turning to the left and spoon speed. Remove, drain and run the pasta under cold water to stop the cooking.

Tip: Remember that to make pasta salads it is best to use short pasta.

While the pasta cools we will prepare the rest of the extra ingredients for our pasta salad with tuna. Then cut the tomatoes in quarters or halves, crumble the tuna and chop the boiled egg into wedges.

If you have doubts about how to make a hardboiled egg, check our article with the tricks to make a hardboiled egg.

Assemble the pasta salad with Thermo mix by placing the pasta mixed with the corn as a base. Add the tuna, tomato, olives and boiled egg on top, to finish with a basil, oregano and lemon dressing. You can also add a little milk mayonnaise.

You can use this cold pasta salad with Thermo mix as a main dish and include it in your diet menu without problems. Also, now you know how to cook pasta with Thermo mix, not only to make salads but all kinds of dishes.

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