Cold Coeditors Salad Recipe

Ingredients to make cold coeditors salad:

  • 2 bags of elbow pasta
  • 1 can of pineapple in syrup
  • 1 fresh apple
  • 1 can of corn
  • 1 can of fruit in syrup
  • 1 can of half cream
  • 150 grams of cheese (it can be panel or the one you prefer)
  • 250 grams of turkey ham in piece
  • 4 tablespoons of mayonnaise
  • Salt
  • Pepper-to-taste

How to make cold coeditors salad:

Boil the pasta with salt, basil leaves or oregano until al dente, then drain and wash with clean water (just once quickly).

Later it is put in a large refractory and all the fruits are added, the apples must be added until the last moment because they oxidize.

The cheese and the ham are cut into generous cubes for a good delight, the can of media cream, the mayonnaise, the pepper are added and everything is incorporated.

This coeditor salad is served cold so it should be refrigerated 2 hours before serving; don’t forget to add the apples.

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