Cold Chicken Consommé Recipe

Ingredients to make Cold Chicken Consommé:

  • 1 chicken of 1.5 kg
  • 500 grams of veal bones
  • 3 liters of water
  • 2 garlic joints
  • 1 turnip
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 tomato
  • 1 celery Spain (celery)
  • 2 clear
  • Salt
  • tarragon
  • 1/2 tomato

How to make Cold Chicken Consommé:

  1. The onion cut in two is roasted in the oven so that it takes on color and is added to the consommé.
  2. Put all the ingredients except the egg whites, the 1/2 tomato and tarragon in a pot, let it simmer for 2 hours, then strain and let the liquid cook for 2 more hours over low heat, let it cool when it is cold and take it to the fridge for 2 hours.
  3. Remove the fat, which will have solidified on the surface when it cools.
  4. Add the egg whites without beating, tarragon and salt to taste, the 1/2 tomato and take it to the fire stirring constantly, when it breaks the boil add 2 ice cubes.
  5. As soon as the egg whites are curdling, strain through a wet cloth strainer.
  6. Let cool and then take to the fridge until very cold and serve.

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