Colcero Soup Recipe

In this recipe we are going to make a very native Colombian soup, colicero or banana soup. This food is a type of green banana but smaller than normal. This soup originates in areas of the altiplano where the climate is colder, in our region the mixture of potatoes and this delicious green plantain is ideal and widely consumed as an appetizer at lunchtime.

Ingredients to make colicero soup:

  • 2 units of Banana or colicero
  • 100 grams of long or green onion
  • 1 cup of peas or peas
  • 2 units of Potatoes or potatoes
  • 2 cups of beef or chicken broth
  • 60 grams of Tomato
  • 2 tablespoons fresh coriander
  • 1 pinch of garlic paste
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of black pepper

How to make colicero soup:

  1. The first step to make our colicero soup recipe is to pre-list the ingredients.
  2. Take a deep pot over medium heat with a little sunflower oil, fry the long onion and the tomato to make a base sauce. Add salt, black pepper and garlic to taste.
  3. Add the beef stock, the potatoes in small squares, the peas and the colicero or banana in small squares. Let the soup cook over medium heat until you see that the potatoes and banana are well cooked, approximately 20 to 25 minutes.
  4. With the help of a spoon remove the accumulated fat on the surface of the soup and add the finely chopped coriander as a final touch.
  5. Serve the Colombian colicero soup, if you wish you can add a little more finely chopped cilantro. This soup is eaten as an appetizer for any main course, such as catfish in sauce, or on cold days, as it is ideal for this type of weather. If you want more soup recipes and have any comments or concerns, write to us. Enjoy!

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