Coffee Risotto Recipe

Ingredients to make Coffee Risotto:

  • 1 jet of Oil
  • 2 units of onion
  • 1 small glass of white wine
  • 2 cups of rice
  • 1 cup vegetable or chicken broth
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid cream
  • ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 cup of decaffeinated American coffee

How to make Coffee Risotto:

  1. The first step to prepare the coffee risotto will be to grate the onion and fry it in a little oil. After a few minutes add the white wine and leave on the heat until the onion is transparent.
  2. Then add the rice, stir and let it absorb the liquid for 2-3 minutes.
  3. Next we began to work on the process of transforming the rice into risotto.
  4. To do this, go adding the vegetable broth by tablespoons together with the liquid cream.
  5. The proportion is for each cup of broth two tablespoons of cream.
  6. Continue with this process for 15 minutes without stopping stirring.
  7. If you are not following a vegetarian diet, you can substitute chicken broth for the vegetable broth.
  8. Now it’s the turn of the coffee.
  9. Add the cup of decaf coffee along with a good dollop of Parmesan cheese. Stir and wait about 10 minutes.
  10. After this time, add the rest of the coffee and more cheese, stir for about 5 minutes until the rice has absorbed almost all of the broth.
  11. Place the coffee risotto in a bowl and cover with a cloth.
  12. Let it sit for about 10 minutes and then garnish with cheese and some instant coffee beans.
  13. Serve the coffee risotto and accompany it, if you want, with some glazed vegetables or some zucchini with mint.


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