Cod with artichokes recipe

This time we bring you a dish so delicious and light that you can cook at home without fear of calories or fat. This cod with artichokes recipe is extremely rich in minerals and vitamins, you can also serve it to your little ones with the peace of mind that you are giving them a super important contribution of nutrients.

In addition, to make it more complete, we have accompanied it with eggs, peas, potatoes and other vegetables. The result? A perfect delicacy to eat during Easter or during the artichoke season. Read on and discover how to make cod with artichokes in quick and easy steps.

Ingredients to make Cod with artichokes:

  • 400 grams of cod without skin or bones
  • 200 grams of peas
  • 2 large artichokes
  • 2 eggs
  • 3 small potatoes
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 2 glasses of water (to boil the vegetables)
  • 1 sweet onion
  • 1 vegetable stock cube
  • 1 leek
  • Turmeric powder for garnish

How to make Cod with artichokes:

  1. Prepare the salted cod without skin or bones, cut the artichokes in four and sprinkle them with lemon to prevent them from blackening too much. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thick slices, cut the onion into feathers. You can cut the leek into 4 halves that are 3 fingers long.
  2. Cook the vegetables for 15 minutes with water and salt. On the other hand, prepare the boiled eggs by adding salt and a splash of vinegar to the water. Leave them for about 12 minutes after it starts to boil.
  3. Pour a stream of olive oil into a clay pot or deep container. Fry the potatoes over medium heat; they should not brown for a long time, since their texture should be tender inside to prevent the slice from getting stiff.
  4. Remove the potatoes and reserve them once they are ready. In the same casserole, fry the onion and the leek, continue cooking over medium heat and stir to prevent them from burning, then remove and reserve.
  5. Now, move on to the code. Do the same as with the rest of the ingredients that you have fried, let fry for 2 minutes on each side. It’s just to seal it a little bit, and then it’s done. Remove from the heat and remove the oil that remains from frying. Use the same casserole to continue preparing the cod with artichokes and peas.
  6. Trick: Be careful in the cod soffit so that it does not stick to you and fall apart. Have it on medium heat and with enough oil.
  7. Add the wine and the stock cube to the casserole. Stir and then pour a glass of water. You should not add salt to this stew because the stock cube and the cod will suffice.
  8. Once you have a brother formed, go introducing all the ingredients. It starts with the vegetables and ends with the cod and potatoes. Wiggle the handles from side to side to prevent the cod from falling apart and to properly integrate the flavors. Let cook for 7 minutes over high heat. Finally, serve your cod with artichokes and sprinkle turmeric on top.

Cod with artichokes – Suggestions and other recipes

In addition to making the cod with artichokes and potatoes, peas and eggs, you can also add other ingredients such as alemejas and chickpeas. In any case, with such a complete recipe you won’t need many extra accompaniments, just a good piece of bread to dip in the sauce and you’ll be ready.

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