Cod tagine with tomato recipe

Ready to learn how to prepare cod tajine? Those of you who have been following us for a long time already know how much I like to use the tajín. I love how the food turns out, juicy and with all the flavor of the ingredients enhanced. In addition, it turns out that it is healthy cooking, since; after all, it is a type of steamed cooking. In short, I don’t need excuses to use it, especially now that I have a metal one that I use when I’m in a hurry, since it doesn’t require pre-soaking like the clay one and also the food cooks faster. If you like to cook with taxi n, although it is not the original, I recommend you also have a metallic one for the rush. This time I had some cod fillets and I made up a dish on the fly that was really delicious. I love the touch given by the cumin on one side and the smoked paprika on the other. A different and untraditional tajine, very original, that will make you lick your fingers. Keep reading and discover the recipe for tagine or cod tagine with tomato.

Ingredients to make cod tajine with tomato:

  • 4 small cod fillets in their point of salt
  • 1 onion
  • 1 Italian green pepper
  • 2 small ripe tomatoes
  • 1 bunch of fresh coriander
  • 2 teaspoons of tomato paste
  • 1 teaspoon cumin powder
  • 1 teaspoon ginger powder
  • 1 teaspoon smoked sweet paprika
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper (optional)
  • olive oil or the one you use for cooking
  • 1 jet of water

How to make cod tagine with tomato:

  1. Finely chop the onion, cut the pepper into medium pieces, chop the coriander and peel the tomatoes. What I do is rub them with the edge of a knife, and then the skin comes off easily. Once peeled, we cut them into small pieces.
  2. Heat a little oil at the base of the tagine and brown the onion.
  3. When the onion begins to be tender, add the pepper. Stir and let cook for a couple of minutes.
  4. Next, we add the tomatoes, the concentrate and the spices. We can also add a pinch of salt, but little because the fish is already salty. Mix well and cook until a sauce begins to form, stirring occasionally.
  5. Then, we add part of the chopped fresh coriander. Mix and leave the vegetable tajine for a minute.
  6. Add the cod fillets and, if we see that the sauce is not very liquid, we also add a splash of water. Not much either. It is better to add more if necessary than to go too far and then not reduce.
  7. Cover the cod fillets with a little sauce, cover and cook over medium heat, never very high, for about 10 minutes. If we see that it is becoming very liquid, we uncover the last few minutes. If, on the other hand, the cod and tomato tagine remains thick, we will add a little more water.
  8. After the time has elapsed, we check that the fish is to our liking, turn it off, sprinkle the rest of the chopped fresh coriander on top and serve immediately accompanied by bread or, as I did on this occasion, bulgur. The recipe for tajine or tagine of cod with tomato is also very tasty accompanied with rice.

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