Cod Marmitako recipe

Basque cuisine is recognized throughout the world for its great chefs, who prepare impressive dishes with tastes and flavors from the land. The dish that we are going to talk about this time is a recipe for cod marmitako, a healthy and simple stew that is very traditional in the Basque Country, although it is also known in Asturias and Cantabria.

Just like we have previously prepared other bonito, tuna or salmon marmitako dishes, we want to give this cod and potato stew a turn that we know you will love. Discover how to make cod marmitako in a short time and enjoy a perfect hot dish for Easter or any time of the year.

Ingredients to make Marmitako of cod:

  • 2 pieces of clean cod fillets without bones
  • 1½ pieces of red pepper
  • 1½ pieces of green pepper
  • 3 pieces of large potatoes
  • 1 liter of fish brother
  • 1 piece of sweet onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 400 milliliters of tomato in pieces without skin
  • 2 bay leaves
  • 2 teaspoons of paprika de la Vera or sweet
  • 1 jet of extra virgin olive oil (for frying)
  • salt point

How to make Cod Marmitako:

  1. Cut the peppers into medium cubes, mash the potatoes and cut the onion and garlic into slices. The tomato must be cut into pieces without skin.
  2. In a deep casserole add a jet of oil to fry the onion and garlic. After two minutes, add the peppers, stir and let them fry over medium heat for 5 minutes.
  3. Now, add the paprika first, stir and then add two bay leaves and the tomato.
  4. Without too much time passing, add the potatoes to the casserole, and pour in the fish broth, do not lower the heat and let it boil for 20 minutes, you can put the lid on the casserole so that it cooks evenly and does not dry out too much.
  5. After the 20 minutes of cooking have passed, add the cod fillets cut into wide pieces, cover and let it continue cooking for about 12 minutes over low heat this time.
  6. Once you have this dish already stewed, serve it hot at the table, although this type of stew gains in flavor if it rests for a while. You can chop fresh parsley and add it on top when serving.

With what to accompany the cod marmitako

The fish marmitako is one of the most recognized dishes among the most popular recipes in the Basque Country and different areas of the north. You can take marmitako of different preparations according to the custom and the area in which you are, but none of them will disappoint you, we are sure.

You can accompany this dish with a good quality wine and mixed lettuce salads dressed in a basic way. Nothing else is necessary, although you can enjoy the brother of this marmitako stew with a good bread crumb.

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