Cod in green sauce recipe

This time we are going to prepare a dish of cod in green sauce, a typical sauce from the Basque country. A simple and easy-to-prepare sauce that, although each house gives it its own particular touch, is very good and is great with cod.

Cod is a white fish widely consumed in Spain, low in fat and high in protein. So don’t think twice and get a delicious dish of fresh cod in Basque green sauce that we can prepare in just over half an hour in advance.

Ingredients to make Cod in green sauce:

  • 8 pieces of soaked cod
  • 4 garlic cloves
  • 150 grams of flour
  • 1 handful of Parsley
  • 4 tablespoons of Vinegar
  • 100 milliliters of Oil
  • 1 glass of water
  • 4 units of quail eggs

How to make Cod in green sauce:

  1. To make this fresh cod in Basque green sauce, we first have to prepare all the ingredients that we are going to use.
  2. We start by preparing the cod, which has to be desalted to the point of salt. In the event that it is not, it is necessary that you put it to soak in a container and change the water several times after a few hours so that it desalts, until you verify that it is at the point of salt that you like.
  3. Next, we will begin to prepare the green sauce for the fish by putting the chopped garlic in a mortar.
  4. Then we put the chopped parsley and crush it a little in the mortar.
  5. Next, we put the water in the mortar to begin to return the liquid mixture.
  6. And then we added the 4 tablespoons of vinegar. We remove it and mix everything and reserve the green sauce for later.
  7. Subsequently, we pass the cod through the flour to coat it.
  8. We put a casserole on the fire with the oil and when it is hot we put the cod. We left it for a couple of minutes over high heat to fry it well.
  9. Next we add the green sauce from the mortar to the cod and stir.
  10. We let the fresh cod cook in Basque green sauce over medium heat and we will move the casserole with back and forth movements. When we see that the sauce is bound and about to finish cooking (it will take about 8-10 minutes) we will add the quail eggs and turn off.
  11. We will let the cod in green sauce rest for a while with the quail eggs so that they curdle and that’s it. It is better to do it a long time before eating it so that the sauce takes all the flavor of the cod.

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