Coconut Yolks Recipe

The coconut yolks that we share in this article represent a great way to take advantage of egg yolks when we prepare meringue, for example, and we don’t know what to do with them. In addition, it is a really delicious, soft and very aromatic dessert. Do not think about it anymore, she continues reading and discovers the simple step by step that she proposes to discover how to make coconut yolks.

Ingredients to make Coconut Yolks:

  1. 4 egg yolks
  2. 5 tablespoons of Sugar
  3. 150 grams of grated Coconut (1½ cups)
  4. Coconut essence (optional)

How to make Coconut Yolks:

  • Pour the yolks into a saucepan and beat lightly. Then add sugar and cook in a bain-marie, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until smooth but without letting it boil.
  • Remove from the heat, add the grated coconut, reserving 2 or 3 tablespoons aside, mix well and pour the mixture onto a plate, letting it cool.
  • With the mixture very cold, form small balls, pass them through the reserved coconut and serve them placed in paper capsules.
  • Ready! The coconut yolks are already prepared to be consumed.

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