Coconut nougat recipe

The nougat is one of the most beloved Christmas classics, as it is hardly absent from homes during the holidays. It is of Arab origin, but has evolved in many regions of Latin America, where it is prepared and enjoyed in different ways.

One of the most delicious is the coconut nougat, which we can find, above all, in the Caribbean countries. In this article, this time we bring you this incredible recipe that will be ready in a few minutes. You will only need 2 ingredients to make it, and both its flavor and its white appearance will remind you of the happiest days of Christmas. Let’s go with this delicacy and discover how to make coconut nougat!

Ingredients to make coconut nougat:

  • 300 milliliters of condensed milk
  • 200 grams of ground coconut

How to make Coconut Nougat:

  1. Bring the condensed milk and ground coconut to a simmer. Go mixing both for 5 minutes.
  2. Line a rectangular mold with baking paper and pour the coconut paste and milk into it.
  3.  Fold the remaining parchment paper over the mixture and flatten it slowly to make it smooth and leave an even plate.
  4. Trick: You can sprinkle ground coconut on top of the nougat plate to give it a more delicious touch.
  5. Cover and take to the fridge for approximately 6 hours. If you leave it a full day it will be better.
  6. When time passes, your coconut nougat will be ready to share with all your loved ones and enjoy it with a glass of cider or cava.


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