Coconut Ice Cream Recipe

This recipe for homemade coconut ice cream is very easy to prepare and is made with ingredients that we know and can remove or add to make a healthier dessert. In addition to enjoying the fresh and delicious flavor of coconut, you can also taste a smooth and very creamy texture in this ice cream, since it contains condensed milk.

In this case, we have added coconut milk to give it flavor, but later we will give you an option to make it only with grated coconut if you do not have coconut milk at home or do not like to use it. No matter how you do it, you can prepare it without a refrigerator and in a very short time, so we invite you to continue reading to discover how to make coconut ice cream in a few steps. Perfect to cool off!

Ingredients to make Coconut Ice Cream:

  • 400 milliliters of whipping cream (2 cups)
  • 1 small can of condensed milk
  • 200 milliliters of coconut milk
  • 2 tablespoons shredded coconut (optional)
  • 1 tablespoon of caramel or chocolate balls

How to make Coconut Ice Cream:

  1. Before preparing the coconut ice cream, store all the ingredients in the fridge with the exception of the shredded coconut.
  2. Take the cream to the freezer 10 minutes before starting with the recipe.
  3. Now, pour the coconut milk and condensed milk into a bowl, mix well.
  4.  Store in the fridge while you prepare the cream.
  5. Take the cream out of the freezer, put it in a bowl and beat it until the whipped cream is formed.
  6. Once we have mounted the cream, take the previous mixture out of the fridge and add the whipped cream to this mixture.
  7. Incorporate it little by little with enveloping and soft movements until it is well integrated.
  8. At this time you can add a couple of tablespoons of grated coconut and mix them.
  9. Take a bowl, preferably metal, although you can also use a glass one. Put the cream in it, cover it with plastic wrap and put it in the freezer.
  10. After an hour, take it out and stir it. Cover again and put it in the freezer for another hour. Repeat the process three times.
  11. Subsequently, leave the creamy coconut ice cream in the freezer for about 6 or 7 hours or until the next day.
  12. When it’s ready, take your homemade coconut ice cream out of the freezer. Leave it for about 10 minutes to thawab bit and you can serve it easily.
  13. You can prepare it in glasses, in glasses and in cones. Decorate it with the toppings of your choice and enjoy!


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