Coconut flan and condensed milk recipe

Coconut flan and condensed milk, a delicious and easy dessert to prepare. With few ingredients we can make a delicious homemade flan like this. Flan is a traditional dessert that has always been prepared with eggs, sugar and milk. From here, there are many variants that exist, since we can add other ingredients such as vanilla, coffee, orange, lemon or coconut, as we will do on this occasion.

Once the dough is ready, the most common thing is to cook the flan in a bain-marie, little by little so that it sets well and has that texture that characterizes it so much. For the caramel, we can make it at home with sugar and water or buy it already made, both ways will be delicious. Now yes, let’s go with the recipe! Keep reading and learn from this article how to make coconut flan and baked condensed milk. You sure love it.

 Ingredients to make Coconut Flan and condensed milk:

  • 300 grams of condensed milk (1¼ cups)
  • 500 milliliters of whole milk
  • 3 eggs
  • 100 grams of grated coconut (1 cup)
  • 1 caramel jar
  • to make the caramel
  • 100 grams of sugar (½ cup)
  • 2 tablespoons of water

How to make Coconut Flan and condensed milk:

  1. First prepare the caramel. To do this, pour the sugar into a pan or casserole and add the 2 tablespoons of water. Without stirring, let the caramel melt.
  2. When it starts to change color, stir with a wooden spoon until all the sugar is like light caramel.
  3. At this point, remove it from the heat and let it finish cooking with the heat that remains in the pan.
  4. Take a mold or flan era suitable for the oven and cover the bottom with the caramel.
  5. Reserve to continue with the condensed milk and coconut flan recipe
  6. Place the three egg in a bowl and beat them as for an omelets. Immediately afterwards, pour the whole milk and mix. You can also use coconut milk to intensify the flavor.
  7. We teach you how to prepare coconut milk with grated coconut in this other recipe.
  8. Add the condensed milk and beat everything again to integrate these ingredients.
  9. Add half of the grated coconut and stir to integrate.
  10. Put the flan era inside a tray that is also suitable for the oven. Inside the tray pour a little hot water, enough to cover about 2 fingers of the flan era.
  11. Preheat the oven to 180ºC with heat up and down.
  12. Pour all the condensed milk and coconut flan mixture into the mold and cover the entire surface with the remaining grated coconut.
  13. In this way, there will be a crunchy and much tastier base.
  14. Bake the coconut flan and condensed milk in a bain-marie for 30-40 minutes or until completely done. Depending on the oven, it may take more or less, so it is important to watch it.
  15. When done, take it out of the oven and let it cool. Unmold carefully, turning it over, so that the coconut part is on the bottom and the caramel part is on top.
  16.  Ready the recipe for coconut flan and condensed milk!
  17.  You can sprinkle a little more coconut on top, drop in some melted chocolate, or leave it as is. You will see that it is delicious and very sweet.


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