Cockle pate recipe with Thermomix

Ingredients to make Cockle Pate with Thermomix:

  • 1 can of Cockles
  • 8 little cheeses
  • ½ can of Cockles (broth)

 How to make Cockle Pate with Thermomix:

  1. The first step to make this delicious cockle paté with Thermomixis ​​to gather all the ingredients.
  2. Then we put all the ingredients of the cockle paté with Thermomix in the glass and we crush everything togetherat speed 4 for a few minutes until everything is well crushed.
  3. If we see that there is not a good texture left, we can add the rest of thecockle broth that we had left from the can to get a cockle pâté with a good consistency and not too thick.
  4. And ready! To season the cockle paté with Thermomixyou can use a little ground pepper and chopped chives.

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