Cocarrois Recipe

The cocarrois are typical dumplings from Mallorca and Ibiza. They are prepared with a delicious base of vegetables, raisins and pine nuts. They are unique and a specialty that you cannot miss if you go to the islands. In addition, they are also a traditional Easter recipe.

And if you try them and you want to take them home, we want to share with you an easy cocarrois recipe that everyone in the family will love. Perhaps because of the way it seems that they are a bit complicated to make, but nothing to see! Follow our step by step and discover how to make Mallorca cocarrois in no time!

Ingredients to make Cocarrois:

• 3 dessert spoons of lard

• 1 small glass of extra virgin olive oil

• 1 small glass of warm water

• 1 pinch of salt

• 1 piece of cauliflower

• 1 bunch of fresh Swiss chard

• 1 splash of olive oil

• 1 tablespoon paprika de la Vera or normal

• 1 handful of raisins

• 1 handful of pine nuts

• 1 fresh spring onion

• 250 grams of wheat flour

• 250 grams of spelled flour

How to make Cocarrois:

The first step to prepare the cocarrois is to mix the wheat and spelled flour in the same container. In total, you should have 500 grams of flour between the two.

Now, in another large container, mix the butter at room temperature, the water, the oil and the salt. Stir until completely diluted and add the flour little by little, forming a malleable dough. Knead for 10 minutes and reserve in a warm and dry place.

Tip: if you want to make the vegan cocarrois, replace the lard with vegetable oil.

Prepare the filling for cocarrois. Finely chop the chard avoiding the entire central stem and do the same with the cauliflower and spring onion.

Mix everything together in a bowl and add the paprika. Season with salt and pepper to taste, add the raisins and pine nuts to the cauliflower and chard mixture, stir for a few minutes until everything is integrated and the filling for our Mallorca empanadillas will be ready.

You already have the dough ready to start forming the empanadas, so stretch the dough and cut it into nine identical portions, make small balls with each of the pieces. Prepare the oven tray with a sheet of parchment paper.

Trick: heat the oven to 200 ºC with both resistances.

Flatten each piece into a thin circle to fill it with the cocarrois filling. Leave space to meet the ends in the center and seal them.

Once you have all the Mallorca empanadillas ready, distribute them all over the oven tray, making sure they are well sealed. Insert the tray in the middle of the oven and bake for 45 minutes at 180ºC.

Tip: watch your oven, because each one is different and your homemade cocarrois may be ready in less time.

Turn off the oven and open the door. Let stand 10 minutes and you can enjoy them. They are always better overnight because the flavors settle better, so you can also make them ahead of time. Mallorca cocarrois serve as an appetizer or as a starter; with a cold beer or your favorite drink, they will be delicious!

Cocarrois and other Majorcan recipes

In addition to this traditional filling, you can make the cocarrois with other fillings. For example, you can prepare meat cocarrois, spinach instead of chard, or onion and potato.

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