Club sandwich recipe

Ingredients to make club sandwich:

  • 3 slices of daily bread
  • York ham
  • Gruyere or Emmental cheese slices
  • Boneless chicken
  • Lettuce
  • Mayonnaise
  • Tomatoes
  • Butter
  • Salt
  • Vinegar
  • Oil


  • Tomatoes
  • 1 black olive.

How to make club sandwich:

Toast the slices of bread and spread them with butter. Lettuce is placed on the first slice, which is seasoned with oil, vinegar and salt; add 1 slice of ham and a little mayonnaise on it and a slice of cheese on top; On top of the second slice of bread of the club sandwich we will put lettuce and some slices of seasoned tomatoes, on top of the chicken in pieces and mixed with mayonnaise.

On top, the third slice of bread from the super club sandwich that will also be spread with a layer of mayonnaise, on top 1 slice of cheese, 1/4 of a tomato and a black olive. You can garnish the sandwich by putting a few small mounds of mayonnaise on the edges of the top slice of bread.

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