Cielito cute recipe

Ingredients to make Cielito Lindo:

• 1 kilogram of ground beef

• 1 unit of Onion

• 1 unit of Tomato

• 1 unit of lettuce

• 1 jar of cream cheese

• 1 cup of grated cheese

• 1 package of Nachos

How to make Sweetie cute:

In a mold put the cream cheese and spread it covering the entire bottom. Prepare the ground meat to taste and chop the onion, tomato and lettuce into small pieces.

Pour the meat already prepared in the mold with the cream cheese, then the rest of the ingredients and finally the grated cheese. Use the cheese of your choice, it can be one to gratin or melt. Take the mold to the microwave or oven for a few minutes until the cheese gratin or melts a little. Serve it with the nachos and enjoy.

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