Christmas Scarlet

Ingredients to make Christmas Scarlet:

  1. 500 cubic centimeters of water
  2. 300 cubic centimeters of white rum
  3. 150 cc Campari
  4. 50 grams of Sugar (¼ cup)
  5. 1 dessert spoon of cinnamon
  6. 1 dessert spoon of Anise
  7. 1 dessert spoon of Amaranth

How to make Christmas Scarlet:

  • Prepare the ingredients.
  • In a pot or casserole, bring the water to a boil and add the cinnamon, anise and amaranth.
  • Mix and let boil for 5 minutes.
  • Add the sugar, stir and do not turn off the heat until it dissolves.
  • Remove, strain to remove the remains of the spices and let warm. Mix the preparation with the Campari. It can be taken warm but if you want to drink it cold, add 2 or 3 ice cubes to the glasses.
  • Pour a measure of rum into each glass.
  • Complete the glass with the preparation of spices and Campari. Christmas scarlet can be served by decorating each glass with a slice of orange and sugar around the edges.

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