Christmas Pasta Salad Recipe

Christmas is also a time for salads and a salad like the one I teach you how to prepare and will be welcome at any festive table. Prepared with simple ingredients that we all have at home but that harmonize perfectly and give an elegant touch to our meals if we present them gracefully. Take good note and serve your guests this refreshing pasta salad for Christmas, with pineapple, goat cheese and bacon, ingredients that they will appreciate at any Christmas lunch or dinner, and on any day of the year!

Ingredients to make Pasta Salad for Christmas:

  • 1 lettuce
  • 75 grams of crested di gallon pasta or other
  • 6 slices of pineapple in its juice
  • 100 grams of bacon in cubes
  • 1 roll of goat cheese
  • 1 carrot
  • 1 handful of sultanas
  • 1 handful of croutons
  • 100 milliliters of yogurt sauce
  • 1 pinch of ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons pineapple juice

How to make Pasta Salad for Christmas:

Bring the pasta to a boil in a saucepan with enough water, stir from time to time and cook until it is done, but without becoming soft, which is what is known as “al dente”. Drain and reserve.

Tip: You can use short pasta that you like to prepare the Christmas salad.

We split the lettuce and wash it very well to remove possible traces of earth while the pasta is cooking. Drain (if we have a centrifuge for lettuce better) and reserve.

Cut the bacon into small cubes, put it in a frying pan and take it to the fire. It is not necessary to add oil, since the fat it releases will be enough. Sauté until golden brown, add a pinch of black pepper, cook a few more minutes and remove from heat. Peel the carrot, grate it and put it in a large bowl. We can do this step while we skip the bacon.

Chop the pineapple slices and add them to the carrot along with a couple of tablespoons of the pineapple juice. Undoubtedly, these ingredients give the pasta salad for Christmas a touch of incomparable freshness. Add the well-drained lettuce and pasta, the sautéed bacon and a handful of raisins.

Season with the yogurt sauce, mix well and reserve the Christmas pasta salad for a moment. Just before serving, we cut the goat cheese roll into slices and arrange them on top of the pasta salad along with a handful of croutons.

We immediately bring to the table to prevent them from softening. As you can see, this Christmas pasta salad recipe is quick, easy and delicious, it fits perfectly with the typical Christmas stuffed turkey and, of course, with other cheaper dishes, such as pork loin stuffed with egg. Bon Appetite!

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