Christmas menu easy, fast and cheap

The most beautiful and long-awaited time of the year is approaching by leaps and bounds!  The streets are filled with light, color, joy and… lots of shopping! However, it is not necessary to spend so much money to enjoy and feel the spirit of this season. There are cheap alternatives in terms of clothing, toys, decoration and… also food!

If you were thinking about how to adjust your budget for the Christmas menu recipes, worry no more, there are many delicious and reasonably priced alternatives for that special day.

For this reason, we surprise you with several exquisite and memorable culinary proposals for the holidays. Believe it or not, you can prepare an easy, fast and cheap Christmas menu. Ready-to-start!

How to prepare an easy and cheap Christmas menu – Ideas and tips?

Without a doubt Christmas is the most special time of the year, however it is also the most expensive season. Although most people receive more money during this time, they also spend more or simply have to pay outstanding debts, and these, among other possible situations, cut the holiday budget. But what to do in this situation?

The ideal strategy to enjoy incredible parties does not exist, because it also depends on the situation of each person (economic, work, personal, etc.). However, some tips that we can use from time to time or even incorporate them as a new personal tradition to achieve easy and cheap Christmas lunches or dinners are always useful.

The Christmas dinner sums up the whole spirit of the season: the family reunion, among friends and acquaintances; celebration and joy. The feeling of meeting all the special beings in your life, around the table, is indescribable. For this reason, dinner is the highlight of the holiday season. If you have a small budget for the top meal of the year, it is not an impediment to savor an exquisite dinner, but you just need imagination and a little planning. Here are a few tips to save on Christmas dinner:

  1. Anticipation is the key. Make your Christmas preparations 6 months (minimum 6 maximum 11) in advance. Make a plan and follow it. How does this benefit you? In many things, including the essential… save!
  2. Buy products out of season. You can buy non-perishable foods 6 months in advance, gradually, in a plan to accumulate. Buy according to your purchasing power; one or two products per month will make a difference at the end of the year. This tip is connected to the first since, if you buy before Christmas (a few months before) you will find products at a lower price or you will get offers (2 for 1 and things like that). Always remember to check the expiration date of food products.
  3. Take advantage of the sales from… January! Remember that these are the dates of the bargains, so it is ideal to take advantage of the moment. Thus, you can find very useful kitchen and pastry utensils in December, for example.
  4. Prepare a special place to store things. Remember that if you do not store food properly, it can be damaged, even if the expiration date is far away. The ideal place to store should be a cool place, without humidity, without direct light (preferably dark) and without nearby heat sources. Check the product labels, to store it correctly, remember that each item has its particularities (temperature and others). If you have a good freezer or freezer, you can store some types of meat, even for 6 months. Remember that you must be very careful, because if for any reason the freezing process is broken, the meat can be damaged. If this happens, do not consume it because you could get intoxicated.
  5. Select seasonal offers. Locate the places with the best deals, review, compare and buy. Visit at least 3 or 4 sites. Remember that as December 24 approaches, prices go up. Buy something expensive seasonal? Of course, with what you save in the year by acquiring what is necessary for the holiday season, you can give yourself some little whims. If you want to buy some fresh product that is only seen at that time, treat yourself.
  6. Replace ingredients with cheaper ones. Choosing good quality ingredients does not imply that they are expensive. Be careful when selecting the lower-priced brands, and if none of them convinces you, replace the ingredient with another (inquire beforehand).
  7. Prepare an exotic dish or a special recipe. If the season has already caught you red-handed, don’t panic, there are other strategies to get out of trouble with simple Christmas menus. The idea is not to buy the classic foods of the time. For example, if it is traditional in your country to eat pork, buy fish or other meat. An interesting idea is to prepare a Christmas dish from another country, for example. Christmas culinary surprise. If you have always wanted to cook a particular preparation, even if it is not especially Christmas, the time has come. Enjoy the imagination and creativity of the time to also relax. So, while the others compete for the products of the season and get stressed, you simply choose other groceries, wasting peace of mind and without having to unbalance your economy. You can explore from vegetarian preparations,
  8. Choose recipes with Christmas ingredients. There are conventional preparations that are perfectly adapted to the recipes of Christmas menus. The secret? Select the ones that use Christmas ingredients: cinnamon, citrus fruits, berries, ginger, nuts, chocolate, plums, raisins, etc. For example: a ginger or tangerine sponge cake, a Catalan cream cake, a loin with red fruit sauce, or some orange chops.
  9. Be creative with the canapés. Keeping guests upbeat and satisfied is very important, so you need to put enough snacks and drinks on the table. Diners should not arrive almost hungry for dinner, nor should they be too full. There are many cheap recipes that you can apply or even invent your own appetizers. What do you need? Look at recipes, make a list with the ones you like the most, check the pantry and finally, go shopping if necessary.
  10. The next day, prepare harvesting recipes. Finally, after the celebration, she prepares dishes with the rest of the dinner. There are delicious recipes to use to continue surprising everyone the next day. Ready for New Year’s Eve?

Easy, fast and cheap Christmas appetizers

What keeps any celebration joyful? Well, apart from the music… the appetizers! To make them, the important thing is the imagination since it is not necessary to spend a lot of money or complicate life. You can go to the supermarket, buy some tasty and cheap things or just use some products already available in your pantry. For you to check this theory here are a few good options for easy and cheap Christmas appetizers, so you can place a good variety of these on your table. Let the holiday celebration begin!

Dips or pate

The dips or spreadable creams cannot be missing from your table. Even if you only put chopped bread, if you have a good variety of creams you solved the night. Check out these creamy and tasty options, capable of pleasing even the most demanding guests. In addition, they are very easy and quick to prepare. Investment? The one that dictates your creativity.

  • Bacon dip
  • Tuna dip
  • Cream cheese and basil dip
  • Black bean dip
  • Pea paste spread
  • Artichoke cream spread
  • Chicken pate and Provencal herbs with thermo mix
  • Liver pate with thermo mix
  • Pickled sardine pate
  • Onion pate with thermo mix


Oh rolls! Versatile, tasty, cheap, creative, too easy to prepare and very presentable… They will never let you down! The flavors are so tasty and inventive that you will keep the party going.

  • Ham and asparagus rolls
  • Spring rolls with rice wafers
  • Auvergne rolls with cheese and honey
  • Veal rolls with vegetables
  • Chicken Bacon Rolls
  • Artichoke rolls with sliced ​​bread
  • Bread rolls for hors d’oeuvres
  • Sliced ​​bread rolls with york ham
  • Bread streamers
  • Chocolate roll

Croquettes and fritters

The classic appetizers of any celebration have all the necessary attributes to be found on this list. These fried foods are juicy on the inside and crispy on the outside. Who can resist this inexpensive canapé?

  • Cabals cheese croquettes with sweet apple
  • Potato croquettes with ground beef and cheese
  • Sausage and cheese croquettes with thermo mix
  • Black pudding croquettes with thermo mix
  • Ham croquettes with thermo mix
  • Turkey and apple croquettes
  • Christmas fritters
  • Christmas cream fritters

Other options

  • Vegan sushi with sliced ​​bread
  • Minced meat balls
  • Majorcan toast
  • Potato latkes
  • Sliced ​​bread flam equines
  • Salted ham bonbons
  • Savory profiteroles stuffed with cheese
  • Christmas crackers
  • Chocolate blood sausage
  • Puff pastry wrapped asparagus
  • Puff pastry filled with ground beef
  • Crispy potato chips with sour cream

Easy Christmas appetizers

The appetizers are designed to prepare the stomach of the guests before the main tasting.  Generally, they are light preparations, served in very small portions, thus avoiding filling the guests before time. There are a wide variety of options, cheap and very simple to prepare: creams, consommés, salads, etc. Which one does you like the most?

Creams, broths and consommés

Creams, broths and consommés are the ideal starter, due to how light and digestible they are… Perfect for preparing the stomach for the main course!

  • Vegetable cream
  • Cream of broccoli with cheese
  • Catalan Christmas brother
  • Chicken soup
  • Poultry consommé for Christmas with thermo mix

Fish and shellfish

Seafood products are very attractive at Christmas, especially in certain cultures. In Spain, for example, it is customary to eat a lot of seafood on these dates, for this reason prices skyrocket. However, there are cheap alternatives during this time, which you can consider: prawns, squid or some fish for example. What better way to start dinner? I invite you to review these cheap and light recipes, ideal for a good starter. Delicious and light!

  • Stuffed squid with cream cheese
  • Peruvian ceviche with mango and fish
  • Garlic crab sticks
  • Prawn and shrimp cocktail
  • Prawn omelet

Legumes and vegetables

Legumes and vegetables are an excellent alternative as a starter, whether they are sautéed, stewed or stuffed; as long as it is in small portions. You don’t want to fill the guests up ahead of time! The cost? Perfect for any pocket, and they also taste delicious, you just need a good recipe.

  • Fried Chickpeas with Spinach
  • Piquillos’ peppers full of meat


Another excellent option, light, digestive, economical and delicious. In addition, salads are easy to prepare, and it is time that you save to prepare other dishes.

  • Christmas Carrot Salad
  • Spinach salad with strawberries and goat cheese
  • Tangerine and almond salad
  • Apple, lettuce and walnut salad
  • Homemade Russian salad


The terrine is a dish that has many versions. They are generally prepared based on mixed meats; however there are versions with fish, chicken, seafood and even vegetables. This preparation is perfect as a cold starter, accompanied by pickled onions, sour cabbage, pickles, or sauce for terrines, among others. The best of all? This starter is very cheap and easy to prepare.

  • Baked vegetable terrines

Very affordable Christmas main dishes

The highlight of the night! Diners seated around the table, eager and curious to discover the main course, expect a memorable meal. Is it possible to meet the expectations of those present with a low budget? Well… of course! You can select from a wide range of options, so varied and exquisite that it will be difficult for you to decide on one in particular. Which one will be chosen for this Christmas?


One of the most traditional Christmas meats around the world. Although it can go up in price, depending on the country, you can always get deals, depending on the part of the pig you choose. I suggest some options that are quite easy to prepare and with a tight budget. Without losing the Christmas style!

  • Pork tenderloin with cognac
  • Pork tenderloin with caramelized onions
  • Apple stuffed sirloin
  • Pork chops in easy sauce
  • Pork chops in chipotle sauce
  • Marinated ribs with baked potatoes

Red meat

Although red meats shine less during the holiday season, there are several traditional recipes of the time that use them (black roast, meat rolls, etc.). For this reason, the price of certain cuts usually goes up quite a bit. However, there are delicious recipes, not so common and that are perfectly in tune with the times. For sample, several buttons. Put Christmas imagination on it!

  • Pudding meat
  • Meat pie and potato omelet
  • Gratin meatloaf
  • Puff pastry stuffed with minced meat
  • Roll of minced meat stuffed with vegetables
  • Meat stuffed potatoes


Eating fish, as a main dish at Christmas, is very elegant and tasty. Also, depending on the country and the type of fish, it can be very cheap. For example, if in your country they eat pork during the holidays, cook fish. You may even find some expensive fish on sale, sold out of season.

  • Fish with onion and peppers
  • Fish in coconut curry sauce


At Christmas, the traditional poultry for dinner is turkey; however, chicken is an economical and tasty alternative. For this reason, here are several masterful recipes that make the most of the flavor of this magnificent white meat.

  • Chicken curry with white rice
  • Rice with chicken and pineapple
  • Sweet and sour chicken with panel
  • Chicken in Christmas punch sauce – step by step

Side dishes for Christmas and inexpensive accompaniments

An easy, quick and inexpensive Christmas menu main course isn’t complete without a tasty side dish. The companions balance the Christmas dinner, providing contrast of flavors, textures, compensation for missing nutritional elements in the main course and contribute to better digestion, if of course you combine them properly.


An excellent option to complement the main dish. Depending on how many companions you place and the forcefulness of the central dish, you must choose the type of salad. Also consider the contrast of flavors.

  • Christmas salad of sweet beets or cooked beets
  • Honey Glazed Carrots
  • Lettuce salad with sweet and sour vinaigrette
  • Sweet and sour salad with apple


Potatoes are a classic companion to any meal, they produce satiety, they can be prepared in a thousand ways, they taste delicious and they are… very cheap!

  • Baked potatoes with rosemary
  • Baked potatoes with paprika and garlic
  • Baked potatoes with chickpea sauce
  • Crispy Baked Potatoes


  • Baked white asparagus au gratin
  • Sautéed Kale with Garlic and Onion

Easy and cheap Christmas desserts

Biscuits and cakes

Who does not like a cake at Christmas? This dessert is perfect this season, since it is neutral, hence its versatility. The secret lies in giving it that typical touch of the time with the ingredients and decoration. Select recipes with cinnamon, orange, tangerine, chocolate, ginger, berries, etc. A versatile sweet, easy to make and that requires little investment.  Smells like Christmas!

  • Apple, cinnamon and raisin cake
  • Honey and cinnamon cake
  • Blueberry sponge cake
  • Tangerine pudding in a blender
  • Orange and mascarpone cheesecake
  • Chocolate shortbread


Cakes, another magnificent alternative as versatile as a sponge cake. The only difference?  If you don’t have an oven or you need to bake a lot of things, you can prepare a cold cake. The decoration? Pure Christmas inspiration!

  • Pinna cotta cake
  • Chocolate and orange tart
  • Raspberry and cream cheese tart


An inexpensive and very easy to prepare dessert, you can even prepare it with the kids.

  • Oreo truffles
  • Truffles with thermo mix
  • Chocolate truffles with condensed milk with thermo mix


A typical dessert of the holiday season, its preparation is easier than it seems and the investment is reasonable. Also, nothing more Christmassy than preparing your own nougat.

  • Chocolate nougat with almonds
  • Homemade nougat with chocolate
  • Chocolate nougat and cinnamon cookies

Custard and cheese

The flans cannot be missing in any celebration and less at Christmas. In addition, this dessert is very cheap, delicious, versatile, quick and easy to prepare. This dessert has many variations with magnificent flavors: chocolate, guava, sour soup, etc. Choose the fruit that is most accessible, where you live. Which do you prefer?

  • Nougat flan and toasted egg yolk
  • Homemade cottage cheese custard
  • Guava flan without oven
  • Sour soup flan without oven
  • Chocolate flan without oven
  • Maria biscuit flan with or without oven
  • Passion fruit cheese
  • Mango cheese


Another Christmas classic that almost everyone likes. Although nuts can be somewhat expensive, there are some types that are cheaper than others. The preparation? Believe it, nothing complicated. In addition, they are a magnificent alternative to give away.

  • Marzipan from Toledo
  • Peanut marzipan

Desserts in cups

If you have a very tight budget, this option is the one for you. By choosing desserts in cups, you can prepare only the portions you need, depending on the number of guests. In addition, they do not need an oven and they are… very easy to prepare!

  • Eggless tiramisu cups
  • Lemon cake in cups
  • Cups of yogurt with apple
  • Oreo Cups


Another very economical and delicious alternative. The sweets are easy to prepare, the ingredients are usually very cheap, and their flavors appeal to everyone. In addition, they fill the house with a delicious smell that inspires the spirit of the season.

  • Sweet potato, pineapple and coconut
  • Rice with sweet coconut with paper
  • Venezuelan milky candy
  • Sweet ripe papaya


Elegant, creamy and very tasty. Who can resist mousse? Another dessert that you can serve in a small glass or dessert glasses. Although its name imposes, preparing it does not imply much fuss and it is not a commitment for your pocket either. Do you dare to prepare this delight at Christmas?

  • Chocolate mousse with coconut milk
  • Homemade and simple passion fruit mousse
  • Peach Mousse
  • Eggless mango mousse

Cheap Christmas Drinks

The toasting season par excellence is the holiday season. People are happy, good-natured and willing to share. Who said that to toast you have to splurge? Here I leave you several very tasty and cheap alternatives (with and without alcohol), to enjoy in moderation and a lot of joy… Cheers!


Making homemade liquor is very easy and cheap. When you prepare the first one, you will be so fascinated that you will include it in your Christmas traditions. Surprise everyone!

  • Homemade mandarin liqueur
  • Homemade blackberry liqueur


Punches are the traditional Christmas drink in many countries. Be it fruit punch or eggnog (cream punch), no one is indifferent to its taste. The cream punch has many names, as well as ways of preparation and ingredients, but they all share much in common. Both fruit punch and eggnog can be made with or without alcohol. A perfect gift!

  • Homemade coffee eggnog
  • Christmas fruit punch
  • Christmas eggnog
  • Homemade coffee cream punch
  • Beer punch

Other alcoholic beverages

  • Colombian candlestick
  • Homemade cava sangria

Other non-alcoholic beverages

  • Chocolate with pepper
  • Guava atoll
  • Maria biscuit atoll


How could you verify that there are exquisite and inexpensive dishes, designed for the most important evening of the year? This Christmas season is already around the corner, so all anticipation is little. Everything matters from selecting the best products in the store (at the best prices), the preparation of the food, the way of serving it (plating) and the decoration of the table. I assure you that you do not need great luxuries to pleasantly surprise your loved ones.

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