Christmas Eve Salad Recipe

Christmas Eve is, along with Christmas Day, one of the most anticipated festivities of the year, because that night Santa Claus arrives to shower all the children of the world with gifts. To celebrate it, we decorate our home and prepare an exquisite menu based on varied dishes. We want to help you with this task and, therefore, we offer you this Christmas Eve salad, with fruits, vegetables and other ingredients that we detail below.

Ingredients to make Christmas Eve Salad:

  • 4 pieces of beets
  • 2 pieces of apples
  • 2 pieces of Bananas
  • 2 pieces of Jicama
  • 2 pieces of Oranges
  • 2 pieces of limes
  • 1 piece of long radish
  • 1 piece of pomegranate
  • 1 handful of peanuts
  • 1 handful of pine nuts

For the syrup

  • Sugar
  • Toilet
  • Vinegar
  • Salt

How to make Christmas Eve Salad:

Cook the beets in a pot with a liter of water. When they are white, cut them into thin slices. In other countries this product is known as beet.

Cut the radish and the previously peeled orange into slices. The rest of the fruits and vegetables, chop them into small squares. Shell the pomegranate and use the whole peanuts and pine nuts, that is, without chopping.

In order to make the Christmas salad, take a large bowl and mix all the above ingredients in it. If you want, you can add arugula or lettuce.

To prepare the syrup, heat water with sugar until the latter ingredient dissolves and thickens the mixture. See our liquid caramel recipe for all the details.

Add a little vinegar and salt to the syrup to make the Christmas salad dressing. And if you want to add a touch of color, you can add a little water from the beet cooking. Bathe the  Christmas Eve salad with the previous syrup and enjoy the result.

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