Christmas Bread Pudding Recipe

Because eating well at Christmas does not mean spending much, this time in this article I teach you how to prepare a delicious pudding or stale bread pudding with Christmas air, taking advantage of the leftover bread that we have at home. Accompanied by some dried fruit and chocolate and flavored with cinnamon and orange blossom water, there will be no one who can resist the whiff that this Christmas bread pudding gives off as soon as it begins to heat up in the oven.

Homemade pudding is very simple to make, but it is the best example that cooking for use, as well as being delicious, is suitable even for a festive table. Don’t miss out on this delicious bread pudding for Christmas!

Ingredients to make Christmas Bread Pudding:

  1. 2 loaves of stale bread
  2. 1½ liters of milk
  3. 4 eggs
  4. 100 grams of candied fruit
  5. 75 grams of currants
  6. 75 grams of pitted prunes
  7. 120 grams of dried cranberries
  8. 85 grams of chocolate pearls
  9. 3 teaspoons ground cinnamon
  10. 50 milliliters of orange blossom water
  11. 100 grams of honey

How to make Christmas Bread Pudding:

  • We start by breaking the bread into pieces and reserve to prepare the Christmas pudding. If we don’t have bread we can use madeleines, biscuits, brioche, panettone or roscón that have become hard.
  • In a bowl we put the chopped candied fruit, the raisins, the blueberries and the chocolate. Cut the prunes into smaller pieces and add them too. Mix well and reserve.
  • We heat a large glass of milk in the microwave and in a large jug we put the honey. Add the hot milk, wait a couple of minutes and stir. This is how we get the honey to integrate perfectly. Add the eggs one by one and beat each addition until integrated. Add the cinnamon powder, the orange blossom water and the rest of the milk. We mix well.
  • In the dish in which we are going to bake the Christmas bread pudding, place a batch of bread and cover with the mixture of dried fruit and chocolate. We cover with bread, distribute more fruit and so on until we finish with the bread and fruit. Carefully pour the milk over the bread trying to wet the entire surface well. Let it rest for half an hour so that the bread soaks well.
  • Place the easy bread pudding in the oven preheated to 190ºC and bake until set. When it takes half an hour we must cover it with aluminum foil to prevent the surface from burning.
  • Baking time will depend on the size and depth of the pan. To find out if the Christmas pudding is done, in addition to clicking the center with the wooden skewer, we can open the oven and move the dish with our oven mitts on! When the center shakes just slightly, it’s done.
  • Leave the bread pudding for Christmas with the oven door ajar until it cools down or let it cool on a wire rack. It is best to enjoy this warm dessert, it is a real delight!
  • If there is leftover you can give it a heat stroke in the microwave before serving the Christmas bread pudding and it will be as freshly baked. Bon appetite!

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