Chorizo ​​Taquitos Recipe

Mexican tacos are one of the most popular traditional dishes due to their delicious flavor and their great variety. In fact, tacos can be made from any ingredient that comes to mind.

This time we bring you another exquisite Mexican recipe, and yes, it is a very famous step-by-step taco recipe, the choriqueso taquitos recipe. Choriqueso tacos have a very simple preparation that anyone, at any time, could prepare without any problem, so go ahead and start cooking to surprise everyone.

Ingredients to make Choriqueso Taquitos:

  • 16 pieces of Tortilla
  • 350 grams of pork chorizo
  • 150 grams of string cheese
  • ½ piece of Onion
  • 1 tablespoon of oil
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 pinch of pepper

How to make Choriqueso Taquitos:

In the following image you can see the ingredients that we will use to make the choriqueso taquitos. To begin, we slice the onion into thin rings, as shown below.

Sauté the onion. To do this, take the rings and add them to a pan with previously heated oil, season with salt and pepper and let them fry for approximately 3 minutes. Once the onion is ready, add the shredded chorizo ​​until it is perfectly cooked. This can take about 10 minutes, we move constantly so that it does not burn.

Finally we add the string cheese and let it gratin, integrating well with the chorizo ​​and onion. This will be the filling for our Mexican chorizo ​​tacos. To serve, we take the corn tortillas and fill them with the choriqueso filling. AND READY! You can now start enjoying these delicious choriqueso taquitos with a little taquera sauce. Bon Appetite!

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