Chocotorta in glass recipe

The chocotorta is one of the favorite desserts of Argentines. Not only for its flavor, but for how easy it is to prepare, which doesn’t even need an oven. In this case, together with this article, we share with you a version made in glasses to surprise your guests with individual portions and an original presentation. In this way, you do not need any special mold, just use any type of glass you have at home, preferably transparent to observe the different layers of the dessert.

Continue reading to discover how to make chocotorta in a glass.

Ingredients to make Chocotorta in a glass:

  • 80 grams of chocolate cookies
  • 125 grams of cream cheese
  • 65 grams of dulce de leche confectioner

How to make Chocotorta in a glass:

  1. To start preparing this exquisite chocotorta in a glass, break the chocolate cookies with the help of your hands.
  2. You can undo them as much as you want, keeping in mind that the more sandblasted they are, the less crunchy your cake will be.
  3.  For this reason, we recommend that you leave some larger pieces, as you see in the image.
  4. You can prepare delicious chocolate cookies in the microwave at home if you do not want to use industrial cookies.
  5. Mix the cream cheese with the dulce de leche.
  6. At this point, you can modify the proportion of both ingredients according to whether you like it sweeter or less.
  7. In the first case, add more dulce de leche than cheese.
  8. Discover How to make homemade dulce de leche if you feel like preparing it yourself.
  9. Trick: arrange this mixture in a piping bag so that, when filling the cups, you do not stain the walls and the neat layers can be distinguished.
  10. Begin to assemble your chocotorta in a glass by covering the base of the glasses with the broken cookies.
  11. Then, add a layer of the cheese and dulce de leche mixture with the help of the piping bag.
  12. You can use a spoon to distribute the filling well and get the cream to reach the edges of the glass.
  13. Cover the cheese and dulce de leche mixture with another layer of broken cookies and continue repeating these steps until the glass is complete.
  14. You already have your chocotorta in a glass ready! Have you seen how easy it is? Go ahead and try it and tell us in the comments what you think of this classic Argentine dessert.
  15. Of course, before trying this dessert, cool it for about 10 minutes in the freezer or 30 in the fridge so that it tastes even better.
  16. This dessert is perfect for any occasion and celebration. Likewise, this chocotorta in a glass is ideal to sell.


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