Chocolate Sweet Potato Recipe

Dulce de batata, sweet potato, boñato, kumara, cara, jetica, moniato, sweet potato, sweet potato, sweet potato, or sweet potato is a traditional dessert in Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, the Dominican Republic, and Venezuela. The sweet potato is native to the South American tropical zone and since ancient times its cultivation has spread throughout the Antilles. However, today it is grown in many other parts of the world.

The southern sweet potato is similar to a dense jam that has a solid texture and a characteristic dark orange color, very similar to caramel. In Argentine supermarkets it is sold in round and flat cans. Southerners often accompany this sweet potato jelly with cheese. Some southerners call this combination “watchman dessert” and more specifically in Argentina it is known as “fresco y batata”.

In this article we invite you to enjoy a traditional Argentine sweet but in a great version. This dessert will captivate you with its magnificent texture and flavor: sweet potato and chocolate. Who can resist this combination?

Ingredients to make Sweet Potato with Chocolate:

Sweet Batata

  1. 1200 kilograms of sweet potato
  2. 800 grams of sugar (4 cups)
  3. 200 milliliters of water
  4. 1 teaspoon of glucose
  5. 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

gelling agent

  1. 20 grams of unflavored gelatin or two envelopes
  2. 100 milliliters of water

How to make Chocolate Sweet Potato:

  • Gather and organize the ingredients. Likewise, arrange the equipment required to develop this magnificent Argentine culinary creation… homemade sweet potato with chocolate!
  • Wash the sweet potatoes well and then put them to boil. Calculate approximately between 25 and 30 minutes before removing them from the heat. Check the proper cooking point by piercing a sweet potato with a toothpick to the center. If it slides smoothly, without experiencing any resistance, it’s done.
  • While the sweet potatoes are cooking, prepare the syrup. Heat the 800 g of sugar together with 200 ml of water over high heat. Add glucose to avoid possible sugar crystallization and gain a smooth consistency. You will know when the syrup is ready by inserting a spoon and letting it fall. If it falls in the form of a thread, it is ready to be added to the homemade sweet potato fudge. Booking.

Tip: Glucose is optional, but advisable.

  • When the sweet potatoes are tender, remove them from the heat. Then, let them drain for a while. He proceeds to peel them while they remain warm. Once peeled, discard the shells. You will obtain about 1 kg of pulp, the equivalent of the proportion of sugar necessary to prepare the sweet potato and chocolate fudge recipe.
  • Prepare a puree with a very smooth texture and no lumps. This step is essential for the proper texture of the homemade sweet potato fudge.
  • Once the puree is ready, prepare a saucepan and cook over moderate heat. Stir vigorously and slowly incorporate the syrup.

Trick: Use a whisk to avoid lumps.

  • Once the syrup is integrated, stir constantly, using a wooden spoon. It is important not to stop moving, because if it does not start to bubble and you can burn yourself.
  • The homemade sweet potato jam will gradually thicken. As you stir it, you will be able to notice that it leaves a trail that becomes more and more defined with each passing of the spoon. After 15 minutes, the spoon will leave a firm or very slowly fading groove in the bottom of the pot. If so, put out the fire.
  • Place the unflavored gelatin in a bowl. Add the water at room temperature and stir until completely dissolved. Let the gelatin rest for 5-10 minutes.

Tip: This process is called hydration or activation.

  • Complete the gelatin hydration process by applying a bain-marie. Stir until all lumps are removed.

Tip: This process is called hydration or activation.

  • Once activated, add the unflavored gelatin to the sweet potato fudge. Stir until fully incorporated and flavor with vanilla.

Tip: When you apply vanilla to a cooked preparation, add it after turning off the heat. This way it will aromatize better.

  • Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie. Look at the image to do it in the same way.
  • Pour the melted chocolate over the candy. At this point, the number of times you mix will define the final appearance of your chocolate fudge. If you prefer it marbled, stir once. But if you prefer a more uniform looking dessert, stir a few times.

Tip: The traditional chocolate sweet potato is always distinguished by showing off some orange veins.

  • Prepare a previously moistened mold. Line the surface with kitchen film, trying not to form many wrinkles because later they remain as part of the external texture of the dessert.
  • Pour the preparation into the container lined with film. Give small taps with your palms to the container below. You can also tap on the table in order to eliminate possible air bubbles. Then, smooth the surface of the candy using a spoon. Finally, seal the container by placing another film on top and let it cool down to room temperature. Then, store the homemade sweet potato in the refrigerator and wait until the next day to unmold.

Tip: It is advisable to leave the sweet in the refrigerator from one day to the next, as it solidifies correctly.

  • The next morning, unmold the sweet potato jam, remove the fim and… Savor it! This dessert is fascinating for its soft but firm texture. In addition, it reflects in its flavor the magnificent mixture of two Latin American giants: sweet potato and chocolate. Infinitely sweet but not cloying!
  • Try this exquisite southern culinary creation, accompanied by a good chunk of cheese. Visit South America through its flavors.

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