Chocolate Pens Recipe

Chocolate ice cream is delicious and, for many, it is the first option when buying or making ice cream. In fact, chocolate is quite addictive, perhaps because it is capable of releasing brain substances associated with pleasure and satisfaction.

The recipe for creamy chocolate pens that we propose in this article is free of fat and eggs, easy, fast and cheap to prepare. It is the ideal dessert to refresh summer afternoons and share a sweet and delicious craving. Check it out, keep reading and discover how to make chocolate pens with us.

Ingredients to make Chocolate Pens:

  • 500 milliliters of milk
  • 30 grams of cornstarch
  • 100 grams of sugar (½ cup)
  • 40 grams of 100% cocoa powder

How to make Chocolate Pens:

  1. To make these typical granny chocolate pens, first mix the sugar with all the milk, except half a cup that you must reserve.
  2. Bring the milk mixture to low heat and add the cocoa. Stir well so that it dissolves completely.
  3. In the remaining half cup of milk, dilute the cornstarch completely.
  4. Join the cornstarch milk together with the mixture that is on the fire. Do it little by little and stirring continuously. Cook stirring the mixtureuntil the starch crystallizes and thickens.
  5. When cool, empty the mixture from the pens into the bags or cups. Let cool overnight. Take them out the next day and enjoy your own homemade chocolate pens.


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