Chocolate Orange Peel Recipe

Within the vast range of orange desserts, the orange candied with chocolate is undoubtedly one of the most elegant and versatile. Keep reading and learn how to make delicious orange peel sticks with chocolate, you just have to confit the orange and bathe it in chocolate, an easy and delicious recipe.

There is no secret to making chocolate orange peels so go ahead and try them today. In addition, with this easy recipe you can take advantage of the skin of the oranges that you use in other recipes.

Ingredients to make Chocolate Orange Peels:

  1. 400 grams of Sugar (2 cups)
  2. 4 oranges
  3. ¾ cup of Water (180 milliliters)
  4. 1 chocolate tablet

How to make Chocolate Orange Peels:

  • The first step to make this delicious fruit dessert with chocolate will be to caramelize the orange. To do this, wash the oranges and get all the peel from each piece. Then cut the orange peel into strips.
  • Prepare a saucepan with cold water and place the orange peel strips there, bring to a medium heat and let it boil for 5 minutes. Then, remove, pass through a strainer and put back in cold water. Return the orange strips to the heat and let them boil for another 5 minutes.
  • Repeat this operation 4 times.
  • In another separate pot, place the sugar together with the amount of water indicated in the ingredients of the recipe. Add the peels and let it boil for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat, let the preparation rest for another 5 minutes and cook again for 5 minutes.
  • Remove and reserve the candied orange while you prepare the chocolate. To do this, simply melt the chocolate bar until it is completely melted.
  • If you want the chocolate orange strips to have a more professional finish, you can make a classic chocolate coating or a white chocolate coating.
  • Place the peels on a rack and bathe with the chocolate, covering only half to get some original and elegant orange sticks with chocolate. Let stand until cool and the chocolate solidifies.
  • Enjoy the orange peels with chocolate and serve them with your coffee or use them to decorate an orange cake or to make a nice Valentine’s gift.

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