Chocolate Naked Cake or Naked Cake Recipe

Naked cake (or naked cake as the English call it), is the new trend in cakes for weddings or parties. It is called that because it is a filled cake, usually with several layers in height, but without any type of frosting, meringue, fondant or any other type of cake coating.

These naked fruit cakes are one of the perfect desserts to impress at events, especially if they are colorful and very large! If you want to make this cake for parties but you don’t know how, don’t worry: check out this step-by-step recipe for naked chocolate cake in this article and surprise all your guests.

Ingredients to make naked chocolate cake or naked cake:

For the cake:

  1. 4 cups of wheat flour (560 grams)
  2. 2 cups of Sugar (400 grams)
  3. 2 cups of Cocoa powder (210 grams)
  4. 2 cups of Water (480 milliliters)
  5. 2 cups of Oil
  6. 8 eggs
  7. 2 tablespoons of baking powder or Royal type chemical yeast

For the filling:

  1. 2 cups of Dulce de leche
  2. 1 cup of Milk (240 milliliters)

To decorate:

  1. fresh forest fruits
  2. Powdered sugar

How to make naked chocolate cake or naked cake:

  • We start by making the chocolate biscuits: to do this, in a bowl, beat the eggs with the sugar until a whitish cream is obtained. Then add the oil and mix.

Tip: The amount of ingredients in this simple naked cake is enough to prepare two medium-sized round-shaped cakes, which will result in a four-layer naked cake.

  • Gradually add the cocoa powder and flour to the mixture, then gradually add the water. Add yeast or baking powder last and mix well all the naked cake batter.
  • Take two cake molds previously greased and floured with a little butter and chocolate or cocoa powder and pour half of the dough into each one. With the oven preheated to 180 °C, bake the chocolate cakes for 40 minutes, or until poking with a toothpick it comes out clean.

Trick: It is advisable to put exactly the same amount of dough in the two molds so that all the layers of the naked cake remain the same later, so if you weigh it with a scale much better. If the two biscuits do not fit in the oven at the

  • Once the chocolate cakes are ready, let them cool completely to room temperature and very carefully cut them in half horizontally in equal parts to obtain the four layers of the layer cake.

Tip: It is essential that each layer has the same thickness and height, so use a ruler or cake leveler to do this.

  • To prepare the filling for this naked cake with fruit, simply place the dulce de leche and milk in a saucepan over low heat and stir until a smooth cream is obtained.
  • If you prefer to make homemade dulce de leche, here we offer you our article with 6 different ways to do it
  • Next, we assemble the simple naked cake by placing a sponge cake base first, then we place a quarter of the filling (we can divide it into four parts beforehand to go faster), then we place another layer of sponge cake on top and then another layer of filling, and so on. Until you end up with a four-layer layer cake as straight as possible (the last one has to be the dulce de leche filling).
  • When assembled, store the chocolate naked cake in the fridge or refrigerator until serving time. Then take it out, decorate the top with red berries and sprinkle some icing sugar to enhance the color of the fruit.
  • We are sure that this naked cake or cake for parties will have a success proportional to the effort involved in its preparation.

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