Chocolate Marquise Recipe

The chocolate marquise is a cake or dessert that is not very difficult, although it is true that it requires some preparation time because you have to make the base and the dry meringue. However, it should be noted that the meringue can also be purchased separately if you prefer.

It is also important to note that this cake does not contain flour, so if the rest of the ingredients are suitable for celiac, it is gluten-free. Likewise, a 100 g portion provides 360 kcal. It is not the healthiest dessert in the world, but it is delicious! For this reason, in this article I give you the recipe for the chocolate marquise cake so that you know how to prepare it. If they make it, I can assure you that it is delicious!

Ingredients to make Chocolate Marquise:

  • 150 grams of butter
  • 200 grams of chocolate bars
  • 5 egg yolks
  • 5 egg whites
  • 100 grams of sugar (½ cup)
  • 300 grams of pastry dulce de leche
  • 500 grams of milk cream
  • 60 grams of sugar
  • 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  • Ingredients for Swiss meringue
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • 2 egg white

How to make Chocolate Marquise:

  1. Melt the 150 grams of butter and the 200 grams of cut chocolate in a pot in a bain-marie.
  2. Apart, we beat 5 egg whites until stiff. Then, little by little, we add 100 g of sugar to form the white meringues.
  3. Once removed from the bain-marie, with the warm mixture of butter and chocolate, add 5 egg yolks and mix until the preparation of the chocolate marquise cake dough is homogeneous.
  4. We added in batches and with enveloping movements the clear meringues. The first part will be mixed vigorously to equalize consistencies.
  5. Place the mixture in a 24 cm diameter mold, lined with baking paper. Then, we bakethe dough at about 170 °C, for approximately 20 minutes.
  6. To unmold it is advisable to wait for the preparation to cool down.
  7. Once the base of the chocolate marquise is cold, we decorateit by covering the surface with dulce de leche.
  8. This step is easier if done with a pastry bag, although it can also be incorporated with a spatula.
  9. Apart, we beat the milk cream together with the sugar and the essence of vanilla. Thus, we form a chantilly cream.
  10. We will find the optimal point when peaks can be formed and they do not fall.
  11. Place the whipped cream in a pastry bag with a curly beak and decorate the chocolate marquise cake on top of the dulce de leche that we previously incorporated
  12. Now, we go with the last step of the recipe, which is the preparation of the Swiss meringue. To do so, we mix the 2 egg whites and the remaining 120 g of sugar in a pot.
  13. We place the mixture on the fire without the flame touching the pot or, better, we put it in a bain-marie.
  14. We constantly remove until the sugar grains dissolve, remove and beat until it takes on the consistency of meringue and it is supported so that when the bowl is turned over it does not fall.
  15. When ready, we put the meringue in a pastry bag and spread it on a baking tray lined with baking paper. We can give it a tube shape or simply extend a layer.
  16. Then, we bakeit at a very low temperature, around 100 °C until completely dry.To finish the decoration of this chocolate marquise, we place the chopped dry meringue on top of the cream.
  17. And ready! We can now enjoy this delicious cake or serve it for a birthday, or any other celebration.
  18. The preparation is long, but it is not complicated and the result is incredible.
  19. And to try different versions, go ahead and make a white chocolate marquise following the same steps but with this type of chocolate.


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