Chocolate Crepes Recipe

We share the recipe for the easiest and most delicious chocolate crepe batter! In this way, they are not stuffed homemade crepes, but rather the dough itself has a chocolate flavor. Can there be anything better? We think not!

Without a doubt, for chocolate lovers this is one of the best desserts, especially if we think about all the possibilities it offers us. As it is a dough for chocolate crepes, to further enhance the flavor of this product that is so popular all over the world, we can fill it with more chocolate. And to make the recipe lighter, at the end we show you our tricks and recommendations. Read on, discover how to make chocolate crepes and get to work.

Ingredients to make Chocolate Crepes:

  • ½ cup of wheat flour (can be whole wheat)
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 tablespoon brown sugar
  • 2 tablespoons of pure cocoa
  • 1 glass of milk (can be vegetable)

How to make Chocolate Crepes:

  1. We beat the eggs with some electric rods so that they are more fluffy.
  2. Add the milk and continue beating. To make the chocolate crepes we can use any type of milk, even vegetable.
  3. For the latter case, we recommend opting for oat milk, soy milk or almond milk due to the combination of these flavors with cocoa.
  4. Add the sugar and integrate. We can continue using the electric rods, since this way we will have the dough ready before.
  5. Likewise, we can use both white sugar and brown sugar or brown sugar, although it is true that the unrefined versions are much healthier.
  6. Trick: The amount of sugar is to taste, so you can add more or less.
  7. We add the sifted flourin case of using common wheat flour. If we opt for whole wheat flour, we add it directly because we will not be able to sift it.
  8. To avoid leaving the kitchen full of flour when making the dough for homemade chocolate crepes, we recommend integrating this ingredient with a spatula or manual whisk.
  9. Finally, we add the pure cocoa. We test the dough to see if the flavor of the chocolate crepes is to our liking or, if not, we consider that we have to add more cocoa or more sugar.
  10.  Once ready, cover with plastic wrap and let it rest in the fridge for an hour. If we don’t have that much time, we can leave it for half an hour.
  11. After the rest time, we put a frying pan to heat with a few drops of olive oil. Once hot, add half a ladle of batter to begin to form the chocolate crepes.
  12.  The final amount will depend on whether we like them more or less thick, so we recommend experimenting and trying.
  13. When we observe that the dough bubbles, we carefully turn it over so that it cooks on the other side. Homemade crepes are made very quickly, so we have to be very careful to prevent them from burning.
  14. In general, with a couple of minutes on one side and a minute (or less) on the other, they have more than enough.
  15. We serve the recipe for chocolate crepes filled with whatever we like, such as fruit, melted white chocolate, yogurt… the possibilities are endless!
  16. We have opted for banana and white chocolate, but if you prefer a healthier option you can leave the fruit alone.


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