Chocolate Cream Punch Recipe

Ingredients to make Chocolate Cream Punch Recipe:

  1. 1½ cups evaporated milk
  2. 1½ cups of condensed milk
  3. 1 cup of white rum
  4. 1 cup of water (240 milliliters)
  5. 3 eggs (yolks)
  6. 4 tablespoons cocoa (other options are bar chocolate or cocoa powder)
  7. 6 sweet cloves (powdered optional)
  8. 2 cinnamon sticks
  9. 1 pinch of nutmeg (powdered or freshly ground)

How to make Chocolate Cream Punch Recipe:

  • Prepare all the necessary ingredients to prepare this magnificent chocolate cream punch.
  • Mix the evaporated milk with the water, cocoa, cinnamon and sweet cloves in a container.
  • Tip: If you prefer, you can prepare this recipe with chocolate bars.
  • Let the mixture simmer. Wait until the liquid is reduced by half, about 15 minutes, and allow it to cool to room temperature. Booking.
  • On the other hand, use a bowl to beat the condensed milk and the egg yolks. Mix until you get a homogeneous cream like the one shown in the image.
  • Tip: It is advisable to strain to remove the solids.
  • Add the cocoa mixture to the yolks with sugar. Stir until all the ingredients are integrated and continue with the preparation of the chocolate cream punch.
  • Pour the mixture into a saucepan and cook the punch in a bain-marie over low heat for 20 minutes. To prevent the preparation from sticking to the walls, stir constantly. Once the punch reaches the texture you want, you can remove it from the heat.
  • Tip: The water should boil gently when you place the saucepan to cook in the water bath.
  • Remove the chocolate punch from the heat and pour into another container. Stir vigorously to cool it down and bring it to room temperature.
  • Add the rum and nutmeg, and mix until the ingredients are fully incorporated. If you want a non-alcoholic chocolate cream punch for some reason, you can skip the addition of the rum at this step. Thus, this drink can be consumed even by children. They will love it!
  • Pour the punch into a clean bottle and refrigerate before serving. This drink can be kept in perfect condition for up to a week in the fridge.
  • Tip: In some countries this punch is drunk hot. It is a matter of taste and traditions.
  • This chocolate cream punch is simply delicious! Another wonder that you can create by adding this divine fruit such as cocoa.

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