Chocolate Covered Lemon Cake Recipe

Ingredients to make Chocolate Covered Lemon Cake:

  • 4 eggs
  • 1 yogurt (in this case I am)
  • 2 glasses of yogurt with sugar
  • 1 chocolate tablet for desserts
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 envelope of chemical yeast powder (Royal type)
  • 1 glass of yogurt with sunflower oil
  • 3 glasses of yogurt with flour
  • Chopped nuts (optional)

How to make Chocolate Covered Lemon Cake:

  1. Separate the yolks from the whites.
  2. Add the yogurt to the egg whites.
  3. Add the two glasses of sugar.
  4. Mix everything and add the glass of oil.
  5. Add the three glasses of flour and yeast.
  6. Beat the egg whites until stiff.
  7. Add the egg whites to the previous mixture to get a very spongy lemon cake with chocolate coating.
  8. Add the zest and juice of one lemon to the mixture.
  9. Bake the homemade lemon cake for about 35 minutes at 180 °C(my oven is very strong).
  10. Melt the tablet and cover the lemon cake with chocolate on top.
  11. Decorate the chocolate-covered lemon cake to taste with chopped nuts, for example.

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