Chocolate chiffon cake recipe

Ingredients to make Chocolate Chiffon Cake:

  1. 350 grams of unprepared flour
  2. 50 grams of cornstarch
  3. 5 teaspoons of baking powder
  4. 360 grams of granulated sugar
  5. 1 teaspoon salt
  6. 200 milliliters of Oil
  7. 10 units of Egg
  8. 300 grams of lucuma pulp
  9. 300 milliliters of Milk (1¼ cups)
  10. 1 Teaspoon vanilla extract
  11. 25 grams of Cocoa or Cocoa powder

How to make Chocolate Chiffon Cake:

  • We will make this light cake made of chocolate with lucuma, so the first step will be to obtain the fruit pulp. To do this, peel, remove the seed from the lucuma and cut the pulp into pieces. Reserve.
  • Lucuma is an Andean fruit, widely used in countries like Peru but which is becoming more and more popular in the rest of the world for its great nutritional properties, in fact it is considered a super food.
  • On the other hand, we must prepare the mold. To do this, we will cover the bottom of a removable chiffon mold with parchment paper.
  • If you do not have these types of molds, you can use any other you have on hand where you usually make your homemade cakes.
  • To make the chiffon cake dough, we start by separating the whites from the yolks.
  • Blend the milk with the lucuma pulp and the oil and then mix these blended ingredients with the yolks in a large enough bowl.
  • We sift the flour, cornstarch, sugar, salt and baking powder. Then we add the dry ingredients. Into the yolk mixture and use a balloon whisks to mix well until we have smooth dough without lumps.
  • Next, add half of the granulated sugar and beat until well dissolved.
  • To make the marbled cake, we separate a quarter of the dough from our chiffon cake and paint it with the cocoa. To the other part without cocoa, we can add vanilla.
  • Then, in a clean bowl we must prepare a meringue by beating the egg whites with the rest of the sugar until stiff.
  • To finish giving the light and fluffy touch to our cake, we add the meringue to the dough. To do this, we separate a quarter of the meringue and mix it with the chocolate mass. The rest, we join the dough that we left unpainted.
  • Trick: We must mix the beaten egg whites with the other mixtures in a soft and enveloping way so that they do not go down.
  • Next we empty the mixtures in the mold. We start by pouring half of the yellow lucuma dough into the chiffon mold, then the chocolate dough and ending with the yellow one.
  • With a stick make drawings in the dough to form the marbled cake.
  • Cook the chiffon cake in a preheated oven at 180°C for approximately one hour.
  • When we take the chiffon out of the oven, turn the mold over and let it rest on the legs of the chiffon era until it cools. Then we can unmold our chiffon cake with the help of a serrated knife.
  • Remember that if you do not have this special mold you can do it with a classic removable cake mold.
  • Decorate with a little icing sugar and voila! This delicious chocolate chiffon cake with lucuma is ideal to enjoy during a snack or tea time.

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