Chocolate cake recipe with lacasitos step by step

The lacasitos cake for children that I share in this article is delicious, it is much easier than it seems and it contains a story that makes it one of the most outstanding.

It takes some time but it’s worth it because it looks great. So don’t hesitate, keep reading and learn how to make a chocolate cake with lacasitos step by step.

Ingredients to make Chocolate cake with lacasitos step by step:

  • For the Genoese cocoa sponge cake
  • 6 XL eggs that weighed 390 grams
  • 195 grams of Sugar (half the weight of the eggs)
  • 155 grams of flour
  • 40 grams of Cocoa powder (no added sugar)
  • For the whipped cream
  • 500 milliliters of whipping cream (35% fat)
  • 120 grams of sugar
  • For the syrup
  • 50 milliliters of Water
  • 50 grams of Sugar (¼ cup)
  • ½ dessert spoon of vanilla essence
  • For the chocolate ganache
  • 450 milliliters of whipping cream (35% fat)
  • 270 grams of Dark Chocolate for desserts

How to make Chocolate cake with lacasitos step by step:

  1. First of all, it is important to make some clarifications about the ingredients.
  2. Thus, the amount of cocoa together with the flour makes 195 grams, half the weight of the eggs.
  3. On the other hand, the cream or milk cream must be very cold.
  4. That said, first we prepare the cakefollowing the instructions indicated in the pink cake recipe.
  5. When it is ready, we let it cool completely and, meanwhile, we start preparing the rest of the things.
  6. To make the syrup, heat the water with the sugar in a saucepan.
  7. When it comes to a boil, add the vanilla essence and let it boil for 1 more minute.
  8. Then we remove it from the heat and let it cool.
  9. To prepare the whippedcream or whipped cream, we need the cream to be very cold (at least 24 hours in the fridge).
  10. We beat with the rods first at a not very high speed and we add the sugar little by little and increasing the speed.
  11. At maximum speed we beat until the rods leave a mark in the cream and the cream stuck to the rods does not fall from them.
  12. When the cake is cold, cut it in halfcrosswise to get two sheets. If it has become a bit pointy, as it happened to me, you also cut the surface a bit so that it is flat. You can use this surface to make cake pops, for example.
  13. To assemble the chocolate cake and lacasitos, we soak the first cake sheet with the syrup. Next, we put a generous layer of whipped cream or whipped cream.
  14. The filling can be adapted to the taste of the honoree or the diners, so that if the guests do not like cream, they can opt for truffle, for example, or jam.
  15. We put the other cake sheet on topand we also cut it through the part that we have cut to equalize the height.
  16. The chocolate birthday cake is already assembled and all that remains is to add the chocolate ganache and the decoration.
  17. To prepare the chocolate ganache,heat the cream in the microwave for about 4 or 5 minutes, so that it is hot but does not boil.
  18. Chop the chocolate and place it in a bowl.
  19. Then we add the hot cream on top, leave a minute for the chocolate to heat up, stir to finish melting it and obtain a homogeneous mixture.
  20. When ready, let it cool for 15-20 minutes. It has to be dense but fluid enough to be able to pour it over the cake and cover it well.
  21. When the ganache is ready, carefully pour it over the chocolate cake, trying to make it as homogeneous as possible.
  22. Next, we put the cake in the fridge to cool down and finish hardening this layer of chocolate.
  23. We repeat this operation several times to get a good and homogeneous layer of ganache. It should not be very thick but homogeneous.
  24. I repeated the process three times because my ganache was liquid. If it is more dense before you pour it, surely 2 times, even once, will be enough. You will see that for yourselves.
  25. If we have had to cut the surface of the top layer of the cake a little to even it out, when pouring the ganache we will avoid pouring it in this area. We’ll wait until it’s a little thicker to pour it here.
  26. This way we will prevent it from being absorbed by the cake. We just want it to be on top, like another layer.
  27. Finally, when the cake is cold, with the ganache already hardened, we proceed to decorate with the lacasitos(you can also do this step just before serving).
  28. The decoration of the cake of little girls for children is to taste, so let your imagination
  29. As you can see, it is a birthday cake that requires some time but is not particularly complicated. It is delicious, very pretty and the children will love it.

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