Chirlas recipe in artichoke sauce

Ingredients to make Chirlas in artichoke sauce:

  • 1 kg of clams
  • 8 artichokes
  • 100 g of serrano ham in cubes or bacon
  • 1 large onion
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1 glass of white wine
  • 1 glass of vegetable broth
  • 1 tablespoon of flour
  • saffron
  • a splash of olive oil
  • Salt
  • White pepper

How to make Chirlas in artichoke sauce:

  1. Leave the clams with coarse salt in water for 12 hours, changing the water at least once.
  2. Peel the artichokes, leaving the core, and rub it with lemon juice.
  3. Bring a saucepan with half a liter of water to a boil and blanch the artichokes for five minutes in the water (off the heat). Let drain.
  4. In an earthenware casserole, sauté a chopped onion with a drizzle of oil, the chopped garlic and the cubes of ham.
  5. When it is transparent, add the artichokes and sauté for five minutes, adding the small glass of white wine.
  6. Pour the water from the clams, wash them and put them in the casserole.
  7. Add the saffron and the broth with the dissolved flour.
  8. Bring to a boil over low heat, moving the pot with two kitchen towels so as not to burn yourself, to work the sauce together.
  9. Season with salt and pepper and let the clams open slowly.
  10. Remove and let it rest for an hour before serving.
  11. Heat gently, again, moving the casserole so that it does not stick, and serve in the same clay dish.

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