Chipotle Pasta with Shrimp Recipe

Shrimp is one of the few shellfish that has a wide variety of preparations and styles, and all of them equally result in delicious dishes. This time we bring you delicious chipotle pasta with shrimp. What do you think? Sounds good, right?

As a result, we will obtain a fantastic pasta dish with shrimp, which is characterized by a very simple, practical and fast preparation, in which you do not need to spend much time or effort so that all your guests or family are surprised with the delicious result that they will bring. To your palate.

We invite you to join us in the preparation of this wonderful chipotle pasta, which more than one will want to repeat.

Ingredients to make Chipotle Pasta with Shrimp:

  • 1 bag of Spaghetti Pasta
  • 1 tablespoon chicken bouillon powder
  • 3 garlic cloves minced
  • 4 dessert spoons of Butter
  • 1 cup of sour cream
  • 1 can of chili chipotle
  • 300 grams of fresh medium shrimp
  • 1 piece of chopped onion

How to make Chipotle Pasta with Shrimp:

  1. You can see the ingredients that we will needto prepare this delicious chipotle pasta with shrimp. Do not miss it.
  2. We are going to start this chipotle pasta preparation by cooking thespaghetti pasta.
  3. For this, in a saucepan with enough boiling water, place a piece of onion, a clove of garlic, a dash of oil, a pinch of salt and when the water begins to boil, we also add the spaghetti pasta, and let it cook over high heat.
  4. Medium for about 6 minutes. Once ready, we remove it from the water and reserve it for a moment.
  5. On the other hand, we heat a saucepan over medium heat and when it is ready we add 2 tablespoons of butter.
  6. Once liquid, add the minced garlic cloves, letting them brown a little, and then add the cream and the powdered chicken bouillon.
  7. Next we add half of the can of chipotle pepperand incorporate perfectly so that all the cream for the shrimp pasta has the chipotle flavor.
  8. Once ready, remove from the heat and add the spaghetti pastathat we left reserved a moment ago.
  9. We incorporate very well so that everything is impregnated with the chipotle cream. We reserve at the moment.
  10. On the other hand, we take the rest of the butter and melt it in a previously heated pan, add the remaining garlicand place the other half of the chipotle Chile can.
  11. Let it cool for 3 minutes over medium heat.
  12. After this time we add the shrimpand let them cook taking the flavor of this mixture of garlic, butter and chipotle.
  13. Let them cook for approximately 5 minutes and then remove them from the heat
  14. Once the shrimp are ready, we can serve the chipotle pasta and place some shrimp on it for presentation.
  15. You’ll see how delicious the chipotle pasta with shrimp has turnedEnjoy it!

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