Chinese orange jam recipe

To find out how to make Chinese orange jam, take a look at this recipe that we shared in this article. It is a kinotos jam, also called kumquats or kumquats or Chinese oranges, with prunes and an exquisite touch of ginger and cinnamon. If you don’t know how to make kumquat jam, follow this step by step and you will see how easy and practical it is to make it.

Ingredients to make Kumquat Marmalade:

  • 1 bowl of kumquats, kumquats or Chinese oranges
  • 6 prunes (optional)
  • Stevia and brown sugar to taste
  • 1 pinch of ginger
  • 1 pinch of cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of salt
  • 1 glass of water

How to make Kumquat Jam:

  1. Wash and cutthe kumquats into slices and extract the seeds.
  2. We cook the kumquatsalready cut into slices with all the ingredients listed above for the kumquats jam and a glass of water.
  3. Tip: You can skip the prunes and add other fruits or nuts of your choice if you want.
  4. Also other sweeteners or natural sweeteners to your liking.
  5. Slowly cook the kinotos jam without refined sugar for half an hour or 45 min.
  6. Depending on the texture we want to give it. We move often so it doesn’t stick.
  7. When the cooking time is over, we crush and pack the Chinese orange jam.
  8. I crushed little to notice more the texture of the dwarf fruit.

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